Subject: Fastest Way to Lose 10lbs!


  April 6, 2011

From the Desk of The People's Chemist 

The People's Chemist Takes off his Shirt!

As the CEO, the most frequently asked questions I receive are about fat loss. It's sad to see how much confusion there is on the subject because this ultimately causes people to remain overweight, or gain weight through the years.

...Only a matter of 90 days, and he cured Type II diabetes. Blood tests don't lie.

  Balance your hormones for less than $3 per day at:

Nobody likes being fat, nobody! Not only does it make us insecure, but it also decreases life span. To help you out, here is a free video about the fastest way to lose 10 lbs. And below that, I've outlined, "What's Hot and What's Not in Fat Loss." Enjoy! And if you have friends who would appreciate this information, please forward it to them.

Yes, Shane takes his shirt off so you can judge whether or not he has abs...If video not showing below, watch here:

Note: My call to action below is for a limited time and only good for about 35 people!

What's Hot and What's Not in Fat Loss?

Would the thought of posting a photo of yourself in a bikini on Facebook be too embarrassing?

Do you feel like you’re always dieting, but don’t see any results?

It takes years of study to find a real solution to weight gain. Metabolism and hormones is no easy read. So I’m going to sum it up for you, and offer a real solution to getting sexy back, as well as your health and life…You just have to know “What Hot and What’s Not” when it comes to fat loss.

What's Not Hot:

Counting calories

There are good and bad calories. You need to know which calories to count, because if you are counting the wrong ones, you will age prematurely and be hungry as hell while doing so.

Eating low-fat foods, which replace fat with sugar and sugar substitutes

Low fat foods don’t help you to burn fat – look at all the fat people that eat “low-fat” – it’s an oxymoron (emphasis on the last 2 syllables to whoever came up with this idea). If you remove the fat from your diet, wrinkles will come on like gangbusters!

Drinking diet soda, fruit juice and sugar-fortified protein shakes and sport drinks as well as eating health food bars, loaded with sugar and sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes like aspartame and Splenda cause the same reaction in your body as sugar does. They may be less in calories, but they cause fat storage, which is why all the diet soda in the world won’t allow you lose weight. Neither will juice.

The hCG Diet

The hCG diet has never been proven by science to cause fat loss – sure, starving your body will cause you to lose weight, but it won’t make you look sexy…Ever seen concentration camp victim who was skinny and sexy?

The hCG hormone itself can lead to overt obesity, type II diabetes and the mother of all diseases, cancer as shown in long term studies! Friends should not let friends do hCG. Period.

What's Hot:

Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) that costs about $3 per day!

I’ll spare you the biochemistry lesson. If you are breathing, you have a family of hormones that serve as "weapons of fat destruction." They help you live young, build muscle, obtain vibrant looking skin and even ensure that your bedroom energy is rockin’.

They are known technically as hGH, glucagon, IGF-1, ghrelin, leptin and testosterone just to name a few. When these are optimized and balanced, you are “hormonally intelligent.”

Unfortunately, if you are sporting belly fat, you're body is hiding these hormonal "weapons of fat destruction" courtesy of surging insulin and blood glucose levels, not age!

This “Hormone ignorance” is caused by the intake of food preservatives, prescription drugs like birth control and high blood pressure meds or, more commonly, excess consumption of sugar and alcohol.

Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) optimizes and balances all of your hormones so that you can get that curvy physique you always wanted, and feel great doing it.

WARNING: If you are a "master-of-excuses," and find yourself complaining often, do not buy this program. If you suffer from the Whine Flu, it's not for you. If you are ready to kick fat back and make a real change, invest now at

Learning how to get your sweet fix without sabotaging your health

Become a HIT person doesn’t require that you abstain from getting your sweet fix, it just requires that you learn how to do it without screwing up your hormones!

WARNING: If you are a "master-of-excuses," and find yourself complaining often, do not buy this program. If you suffer from the Whine Flu, it's not for you. If you are ready to kick fat back and make a real change, invest now at

It’s all About Hormones

If you want hormone intelligence, you need The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison.

Over the last 50 years, pharmaceutical researchers have discovered about 12 different natural products that drastically alter your "hormonal intelligence." Studies show that when this is accomplished, the following benefits are achieved:

Muscle cells become more sensitive to insulin

Blood sugar drops

Thyroid hormones such as T3 and T4 become more active

Cells take up more water (intracellular water absorption)

Testosterone among men has been known to double

Libido and energy balloon

In addressing the AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery, consider the following testimony:

"AM-PM Fat Loss helped me lose 20 lbs." - A.A., West Virginia

"I'm down 31 lbs thanks to your program, 69 to go..." - S.M., Maryland

"Lost about 2 inches from waist so far!" - K.G., New Jersey

"I am feeling absolutely wonderful and I'm down 48 lbs." - S.S., Wisconsin

One Complete Package for a Hotter, Healthier You

WARNING: If you are a "master-of-excuses," and find yourself complaining often, do not buy this program. If you suffer from the Whine Flu, it's not for you. If you are ready to kick fat back and make a real change, invest now at

The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery contains everything you need to get started on the road to a HOTTER & HEALTHIER YOU. There are no strange diets required and full support is available to answer your questions and guide you through the program. It can be done by anyone and already has been done by all shapes and sizes.

Learn how to exercise 3 times per week, for 18 minute sessions

Learn how to count the right calorie

Learn when to eat, when not to eat

Learn how to get your sweet fix

Get all the supplements you need

Get all the amino acids – hormone building blocks – your body requires to produce its own anti-aging, fat burning compounds!

Get real fat loss education in an eBook and audio CD!

The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery is a "call to action."

By answering this call you will be among the few who have the rare opportunity to escape the scourge of sugar. Under the influence of The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery you will burn excess fat day and night, gain muscle, increase energy and attain athletic ability you never thought possible!

Want to Live Life to The Fullest?

Are you ready to liberate yourself from the chains of obesity?

How much longer do you want to postpone that vacation, because you don’t like the way you look in a bathing suit?

How would you like to climb Kilimanjaro and know that you’re up to the task?

How much longer do you want to put off learning how to SCUBA?

Or jumping out of an airplane 10,000 feet above the earth to feel the thrill of falling before you pull the parachute cord to float through the air?

How would you like to dance all night in Vegas without having to call the paramedics?

WARNING: If you are a "master-of-excuses," and find yourself complaining often, do not buy this program. If you suffer from the Whine Flu, it's not for you. If you are ready to kick fat back and make a real change, invest now at

If you’re ready to get back into the game of life, start TODAY be hot and fit in 90 more!

Jeff Milano CEO The People's Chemist