Subject: ~Fan speaks out on Heart Cure!


Another fan contacted me about Cardio FX (

He's pretty direct on how well it works!

"I have been a loyal fan of your products and emails for a few years now. I
was in ICU for 3 days and another 6 days in a regular room with congestive
heart failure, lungs half full of fluid and kidneys shutting down, and 3
minor strokes about 6 yrs ago."

“I was taking all kinds of shit that was supposed to keep me alive and
healthy. Yet, I was in ICU for 3 days with congestive heart failure, lungs
half full of fluid and kidneys shutting down, and 3 minor strokes. I'm a
54 year old man and after ditching the meds (poison) and firing my doctors
for trying to kill me with meds, I feel better than I have in 25 years
thanks to the alternatives like Cardio FX (hawthorn rich) and your free
report, 3 Worst Meds!

"Thanks for changing my life! F@#k all the lazy non believers.”

- Klave

The best thing he did was to ditch his meds! Congrats Klave!

Scientific journals from around the world have confirmed what I’ve been
warning about for years:

People taking blood pressure heart prescription meds are at a higher risk
of dying or being hospitalized for cardiac procedures compared to those who
stay off prescription drugs!

Drugs are the problem, not the solution.

This was recently highlighted by scientists writing for The Journal of the
Medical Association.

Researchers from The New York University School of Medicine, monitored
44,000 people who were at risk for atherosclerosis, or hardening of the
arteries. They wrote that the most common, debilitating side effects of
popular heart medications were:

Upset stomach
Weight gain
Type II diabetes

It’s time to ditch the ineffective heart meds – and begin using a supplement
that actually helps your heart, rather than break it...

Start using 4 of my all natural heart cures in ONE:

Say goodbye to lethal side effects.

Start feeling vibrant within 26 days!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Every ingredient in Cardio FX is clinically proven to control blood
pressure, bust deadly blood clots and strengthen the heart! See (Yes, you can take it WITH meds, even while