Subject: Fan Trashes Pain-Killers Against Doctor’s Orders

Trashing Risky Addictive Pain Killers For Nature’s Joint Cure

Google “painkiller news,” and you’ll find plenty of horrific articles about overdoses, addictions, and side effects related to doctor-prescribed and OTC (over-the-counter) painkilling drugs.

Intended to alleviate pain, narcotics create more problems than they solve.  Writing for WebMD, pharmacist Elaine Morrato from the University of Colorado School of Public Health said, “Clearly the data shows the magnitude of the epidemic of misuse, abuse, and diversion of prescription narcotics.”

That’s why I was so disturbed from a recent email I got from Lance, 33-year-old from Ogden, Utah.

Lance is a guy who’s experienced pain nearly all his life. 

It started in elementary school and continued for years. During high school (class of ’98), he played soccer. His ankles would pop loudly and randomly. Every time he stood up after a squat, his knees popped.

Once Lance quit playing soccer, the pain in his ankles tapered off – only to return again later. Soon the popping was accompanied by a painful grinding sensation.

As the years went by, pain began affecting other areas of his body. Aching for relief, he turned to popular prescription drugs, thinking they’d help. Little did he know, these drugs were just the beginning of bigger problems.

Pharmaceutical Pain Killers Can Create Addictions and Mess With Your Brain

“After experiencing pain in my right hip and what felt like a fuse burning in my spine between the shoulders, I started taking Lortab,” says Lance. “I started in 2004, and slowly increased to a daily use of Lortab 10 by 2008.”

Lortab is a narcotic drug that contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone.

Hydrocodone is an opioid, a psychoactive chemical similar to morphine. By “psychoactive,” I mean it messes with your brain, your mood, and your ability to think straight.  It’s like a blindfold for your brain and it’s highly addictive.  When addiction sets in, users face wild mood swings.

“At first, I thought the painkillers were great, because they allowed me to be active for longer periods of time,” says Lance. “But everything went downhill fast. I developed problems with my wrists, elbows, neck, and lower back. As the pain increased, so did the frequency of medicating and the strength of the medication.”

Lortab Transformed Him into an ANGRY Person...

“When taking the Lortab, I became very short-fused with near violent anger,” says Lance. “I would think negatively of myself and others. I also noticed that I became physically weak, getting winded easily and not able to lift as much weight or for as long.”

During periods where Lance abstained from taking Lortab, he noticed he had more thoughts of understanding, self-confidence and love – as well as stronger physical abilities.

“I continued tracking how Lortab affected my patterns of emotional stability, depression and physical strength,” he says.

Good for him. He was more proactive than the average user, who just pops pills and never asks questions.

Pain Medications are Nothing But a Deadly Trap

“In 2009, to get away from the narcotics, my doctor gave me Ibuprofen 800 and Tramadol 50,” says Lance. “I took these for two years.”

“I developed a theory that pain was a necessary part of healing,” he says. “I began to think of this as my painkiller weakness.”

Sometimes Lance stayed off the meds. Other times, “something would happen to cause intense pain in one or more places, leading to an extended period of use” of the drugs.

Luckily, a friend and personal trainer introduced Lance to my book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. Around the same time, Lance began studying nutrition and learning about nature’s cures.

Joint FX Won’t Get You Addicted – But It WILL Melt Away Pain

It didn’t take long for Lance to benefit from natural pain relievers.

“I’ve been using Joint FX to eliminate pain as needed, while minimizing my consumption of toxins. After three months of using Joint FX, I was able to eliminate the need for pain relievers on a daily basis! I continue taking Joint FX when an issue resurfaces, usually about every couple months now.”

Lance used to require pain medication just to walk around the mall. “Now a 10-hour shift on my feet is bearable,” he says. “I’ve become a believer in Shane's products and have recommended them to numerous people. Thank you, Shane, for you and your products.” 

Stop Putting Yourself at Risk for Drug Addiction

If you thought being in pain was bad, imagine being in pain AND having a drug addiction.

Prescription painkillers can make you AGGRESSIVE and COMBATIVE.

They steal your quality of life and sometimes, life itself.

It’s not worth it.

Joint FX will erase every last smidgeon of grinding joint pain in your body. No more aches or “popping” joints.

And if Lance’s story isn’t enough to make you want to throw your painkillers in the garbage – just read some of the latest news tidbits on the matter:

“Home Office ministers [in the UK] are proposing to ban from public sale a widely used prescription painkiller, Tramadol, which has been linked to 154 deaths in 2011 through its non-medical use...” – from a July 2013 article in The Guardian

“Federal health advisers want new restrictions on hydrocodone [the drug found in Lortab], the highly addictive painkiller that has grown into the most widely prescribed drug in the U.S.” – from a January 2013 article in USA Today

A December 2012 article in CBC News stated that Ibuprofen may cause gastrointestinal side-effects in athletes...

Bottom line: people get SICK from using painkillers. They get addicted. And sometimes, they die.

Trust me, joint pain isn’t something worth dying for.

Get rid of joint pain without putting your life at risk – use Joint FX.

Get It Now at:

Shane Ellison
The People’s Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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