Subject: ~FREE Memory Boosting Multi-Vitamin!

My family and I love flying out of the busy city of Los Angeles in search
of seclusion.

It's a nice change of scenery and a well-needed break from the masses.
Fewer zombies on the road, driving to their jobs that don't pay
shit…fewer wanna-be's, fewer trend-seekers obsessing over the latest
health fad. Fewer people staring into their phones with "Resting Bitch-
Face Syndrome." It's a breath of fresh air!

One of the things about living in a highly populated city is that it puts
you face-to-face with the many ways people kid themselves.

Packed in among 15 million people who rarely get shit done, people in LA
love to mimic what others are doing. Mimicry is man's best talent and worst
habit. Everyone is a born actor. Rather than govern themselves, they let
the circumstance around them dictate their action.

Like an old newspaper blowing across the street, most people inevitably get
tossed from one health belief to the next…

"Toe shoes are better for your feet"… "Reeboks are great for Crossfit.
"Going Vegan is the best form of dieting"… "Clean eating extends your
shelf life…" "Gluten-free" is the way to go.

Blah blah blah!

Half the time, people don't even fully understand what they're professing
to believe. They can't speak past 3 sentences on said topic…Their lives
are dictated by whatever's trending on billboards, Facebook, Yahoo and

...One lady even asked my daughter if her luxury soap bars were "gluten-

In my world, being healthy is not about beliefs or trends…it's about
measurable results - that which you can identify, see, brag about and

That's why I became a chemist — so that I could escape to a private
island and live off the land whenever I want, while self-medicating with
the native plants as needed, for real, measurable results...

Not there yet, obviously.

So in lieu of that, I fly to faraway places…and my health and focus always
HAS to be on point.

One time on an epic return flight, we flew from the tip of the Baja to
Colorado in one day! Just 5 minutes off the runway, we were over the
Sea of Cortez.

Flying northbound, Lily sat in the right seat to track our emergency
landings on the Baja beaches to the west of us. Flying dead center
of the Sea of Cortez, I was tracking my navigation points from the east
on the mainland of Mexico. Blair was in the back, comforting mom
who was 6 months pregnant with Skyler.

We covered the entire sea heading north, and didn't see a boat or another
plane in sight for hours....

Everything had to have the precision of mathematics.

My engine maintenance, my navigation, my fuel calculations…all of them
were razor sharp and on point.

When you're flying your family over the desolate, tranquil waters of The
Sea of Cortez, there's no room for fucking around. Interpretation, gray
areas, and "debate" don't belong anywhere near. Nor is there any "grey
area" for scam artists to weasel their way in with a trendy way to fly and
navigate the winds.

It's just you, the plane, and laws of flying.

The laws of flight have been the same since the day the Wright Brother
first pushed their flimsy wood wing into the wind. An entire industry has
burgeoned... airlines have come and gone…but the basic laws of what takes
a piece of metal into the air and back down safely again haven't changed.

Like flying, being truly healthy is an act of precision…not guesswork.

If you make the necessary effort, you can achieve this precision in all
areas of your life — including your health. (This is the opposite of
blowing in the wind like a lost newspaper!)

If you want amazing health, pick up a copy of the most precise, sound
health book available — Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded.

It's been an international bestseller in 3 genres!

There are over 500 5-Star Reviews on Amazon.

Here's what a few readers posted:

"This book is fantastic. My husband had issues with blood sugar and
followed the guidelines in this book. It worked!!! Amazing health tips that
work are in this book. I am so thankful that it was recommend to us!"

"This book can do more good than all the cancer telethons ever aired!"

"I quit taking my blood pressure Rx and started taking the natural cures.
In six weeks at my yearly checkup my blood pressure was 124/70."

"Thank goodness for Shane! I had no idea how many poisons I was putting
into my body until I read his book. Now I use his book as my supplement
Bible. I am slowly weaning off of prescription drugs and replacing them
with as many of Shane's supplements as I can afford. I love his no nonsense
way of speaking the truth. I feel encouraged when reading his book and
daily email, looking at the pictures and hearing the stories of his
beautiful wife and children. If they can do it, so can I. I'm 66 and can't
afford to lose anymore time putting trash (or worse) in my mouth. I want to
stay healthy and have a quality life. What good is long-life if you can't
get out of bed?! Thank you Shane for all the research and committing your
life to make all of us feel better."

…On and on!

In it you will finally learn how to:

- Eat to reverse Type II diabetes
- Workout to activate your healing and fat burning hormones
- The definitive protocol to beat cancer
- The forgotten mineral that helps you overcome depression
- How to wean from anti-depressants
- How to regenerate your liver

....and so much more that's been hidden from you.

Want to stop wasting time and money with orange pill bottles, doctor's
appointments, and insurance co-pays?!?

Then get Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded at

Warning: This is NOT a book filled with magical fairy dust. It's NOT chock
full of air-headed People Magazine stories about men changing themselves
into women. If that's your thing, go buy the magazine.

Rather, my book is filled with practical information that will bring you
measurable results in your health, if you apply it.

Your choice…keep getting battered by life circumstances and let poor
health "happen" to you.

Or take charge. Create amazing health for yourself. And watch as the
results speak for themselves.

Dare to Live Young,

Shane Ellison

P.S. People are stupid. If some jackass decided to peddle "magical air" in
a bottle, you can bet it'd be a top seller, Dr. Oz would pitch it, and
millions of people would swear by it. If that's the kind of "health" you
believe in, please unsubscribe now, as we have very little in common. But
if you're looking for REAL answers to improve all aspects of your health,
see my controversial book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded.

P.P.S. TODAY ONLY BONUS: Buy 5 copies for friends and family and I'll send you a copy
of my Secret Health Files (4 hours of 10-minute health briefs) and a
FREE bottle of Daily Dose! That's over $100 in value, FREE! Forward
your amazon receipt to me at

This bonus ends Monday Sept. 26!