Subject: FREE Fat Loss CD (A $24.95 Value)


Don’t Let Excess Fat Cover Your True Self! Be Who You Really

Start using ThermoFX today and get a free CD that outlines the
10 habits for automatic fat loss!

That's a $24.95 value!

I'm only doing this because my computer guys made a slight error
on my shopping cart, and blocked sales for a few hours...My loss is your gain.

Get it now!

Face it, fat covers our true physique, making us appear flabby,
weaker and less toned. It imprisons our body, depriving us of our
confidence, self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

It’s time to be relentless; be who you really are.

Not for couch potatoes or those who suffer from The Whine Flu!

Get some balls and fight fat right back! Force your fat to sweat.
Force your fat to build muscle. Force your fat to energize you.
As your fat dissipates, your freedom grows. Your true physique

People will start to notice.

Your spouse compliments you.

There will be a point that you’ll have to buy smaller, better
fitting clothes, even a new bathing suit. Confidence is free to
breath and all other areas of your life get better! You learn
that health is the new wealth.

You are empowered.

But only if you commit to learning more:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist