Subject: FREE Diet CD Solves Weight Problems


FREE Offer For Anyone Who Wants to Lose Belly Fat and Strengthen Their Cardiovascular Health
Offer Ends in 12 Hours 

Poor diet and a weak cardiovascular system are today’s biggest health obstacles.  The British Journal of Sports Medicine recently highlighted that high blood pressure was among the top ten risk factors for early death, worldwide. Worse, belly fat has been shown to be more dangerous that smoking!

Those are some scary statistics.  Fortunately, I can help curb the threat.

As chemist determined to live young, I've cut my body fat from 30% to 10%. I've competed in 24 hour mountain bike races, flown my family thousands of miles over desolate terrain in the USA and Mexico. I've even won a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world title at 39 years old.

All of these experiences have taught me first hand that if you want to live young, you MUST have a bulletproof cardiovascular system.

Take it from a Vietnam veteran who took charge of his health with Cardio FX. Here’s his story, in his words:

"I hate long emails also, but there is a lot to say so please bear with me.

I’m a VietNam Vet who was exposed to agent orange in 67/68. I had a son born in ‘77 that died 5 days after he was born because of it. (according to the Dr.)”

“I had 6 heart by-passes in Jan 2000...I had 3 heart attacks in 2011 and let them do 2 stints ( ok I was still a dumbass)”

“I was suffering from congestive heart failure and was going down hill fast. I became allergic to the cholesterol meds in 2004 and started to read. One of the best articles was yours, and I have been reading you since.”

“I bought some CardioFX but didn't take it for very long.”

“I had been doing H2O2 and chelation since 2004.”

“My Dr told me that I was in critical congestive heart failure and of course even though he is a “natural Dr.” he wanted to put me on drugs.”

“My legs and feet were swollen so bad I could hardly walk and cannot do any IV's because of the fluid retention.”

“I started taking the cardio fx ( 3 / 3 times a day ) and within one week the Dr said the heart improvement was incredible! I was no longer in danger of a heart attack and parts of my heart that were not working properly were now working well.”

“I tried to cut back to the recommended 3/2 times per day but it isn't quite enough yet.”

“Everyone who sees me can't believe how much better I look. I even started doing some work around the farm! My blood pressure is lower than it has been since before 1995 (when I started taking it) - 117 / 78 average!”

“Cardio FX has been a real life saver for me ...... Thanks for your intelligence and your guts to fight the system…"

- Dan, Michigan

Start putting Cardio FX to work and I’ll send you a free copy of my 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You, FREE!

Cardio FX with Free CD

This is a $25 value that shows you how your diet may be killing you.

Simply purchase ONE bottle of Cardio FX to bulletproof your cardiovascular system and I will send you the audio course, FREE.  

Just forward your receipt to

Buy now at

Dare to live young!
The People’s Chemist

PS. Did you know that hawthorn is proven to be exactly what your cardiovascular system needs! Here are some telling quotes from the scientific literature:

"Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission of nerve signals. Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin."

- Scientists writing for

"One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure."

- University of Maryland Medical Center

"In this prospective cohort study of well-characterized young and middle-aged women with 18 years of follow-up and repeated measures of dietary intake, we observed that a higher intake of anthocyanins [from grape seed extract] was associated with a 32% reduction in risk of MI [heart attack] and that this inverse association was independent of established dietary and non dietary CVD risk factors."

- Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States and the University of East Anglia writing for The Journal of the American Heart Association

"These results suggest that the antihypertensive effect of proanthocyanidins [hawthorn] is due to vasorelaxation via an endothelium-dependent nitric oxide/cGMP pathway, and that proanthocyanidins might be useful in dietary lowering of blood pressure"

- Scientists writing for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry

Don't wait until it’s too late!

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