Subject: FREE CD! Guy Learns the Truth About Testosterone Gels…Calls his Turnaround “Magical.”

Guy Learns the Truth About Testosterone Gels…Calls his Turnaround "Magical."
Low testosterone is no laughing matter.

56-year-old Mark, from Missouri, wrote to me about what low testosterone was doing to his sex life.

"Things in the bedroom were not working as they should," he admits.

"My condition got so bad that, based on blood tests, my medical doctor prescribed the patch (Androderm). It caused large welts that burned my skin and itched terribly."

"Doctor also gave me prescriptions for pre-diabetes, Metformin and a cholesterol-lowering medication that I can’t recall... and of course, Viagra."

"He told me with work and diet, I might be able to get off all the medication, someday."

Mark's doctor was delusional.

All of the above medications would only make Mark's situation worse, not better.

Fact: Testosterone gels cause your own testosterone to plummet,

Fact: Metformin destroys the liver.

Fact: Cholesterol meds lower testosterone

Fact: No amount of Viagra will work when a man has the testosterone of a 13 yo girl

What was the REAL culprit behind Mark's problem?

The Standard American Diet (SAD).
The average American chokes down 150 lbs of sugar. From sport supplements, Gummy vitamins, Ketchup, chips, processed bacon, cereal bars, protein shakes and crappy chocolate, the SAD is nothing but sugar.

Our healthier ancestors only consumed 10 lbs per year.

"My blood sugar levels spiked, bottomed out, and spiked again," he wrote.

A sugar-filled diet KILLS testosterone, then KILLS everything else in its path - The body deteriorates like an ice cream cone in the desert.

The People's Chemist Helps Users DEMOLISH Sugar Cravings Fast

"After a little research on my part, I knew the prescription drugs were going to do more harm than good," says Mark.

"While doing an internet search late one night while at my wit's end, I found The People's Chemist website. I sent a frustrated email asking why you weren't carrying a testosterone supplement. It was kind of a last-ditch effort on my part to help get my frustration out. I never expected a response back!"

I personally responded to Mark's email:

"Been there, Dun that, Go Read "Stop Eating So F*#King Much” Diet book," I responded.

Surprisingly Mark read the book! (Tens of thousands buy my books, but lets be honest, most people are too lazy to read.)

"I read Shane's book, which was a very-well written, informative, eye-opening read," says Mark. "Based on the direction given, I ordered his product Cinnergy and started by taking three capsules, twice a day. Within three days, I no longer felt the urge to consume sweets. It was magical."

Actually, it isn't magic. It's what happens when you FORCE your body to stop craving sugar, by bringing hormones back into balance.

But it can FEEL like magic!

How to Destroy a Sugar Habit... and Get Your Sex Life Back to Normal!

You don't need a testosterone supplement to bring back 'that loving feeling' just need to follow the dummy-simple principles outlined in my Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet book.

"I have since weaned myself down to one Cinnergy capsule, twice per day, and have remained at that level of dosage for several months now," he says. "I am more or less chocolate (sugar) free now. I do occasionally cheat a little, but don't feel like I HAVE to have it. I realize now after being set free that I was truly addicted. I'm not perfect, but I do try and watch what I eat now."

Mark was so impressed with Cinnergy, he ordered several other People's Chemist products and practically became a new man.

"I have clinched the belt up two notches and am just about to the third," he writes. "I am prescription medication free! I'm a huge fan. Just wanted to reach out to you and yell THANKS!"

As for Mark's sex drive?

"In case you are wondering, YES I am a 'Born Again' porn star, when I get the chance to be home for a day or two with my spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Man Up and Take Cinnergy!

Mark's story is proof that you can correct low testosterone and get your youthful sex drive back at any age – but only IF you give your body what it needs.

Order The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet book and follow the guidelines to crush cravings and bring hormones back to life! For best results, take Cinnergy, which forces your body to stop craving sugar.

The book works for women too!

"PS; I just talked to a friend here at work who ordered the Cinnergy for his spouse," says Mark. "She had the same results in the same 3-day timeframe. She no longer wants or needs the processed sugar treats and is now bouncing off the wall with energy and enthusiasm. You have made another couple very happy."

What's YOUR plan of action?

Keep caving into sugar cravings day after day like a helpless victim? Allow hijacked hunger hormones to steal your manhood, so that doctors can then steal your fucking money by selling you Viagra?

Let's end the nonsense... get your testosterone back up naturally, so you can happily chase your wife around the bedroom again.

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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