Subject: FREE 18 Minute Workout for Wimps and Champs


If you're relying on exercise to burn excess calories, you're wasting
precious time. And probably gaining belly fat in the process.

Over the last 28 years, I’ve taken part in all types of fitness in
pursuit of the endorphin high – swimming, weight lifting, wrestling,
adventure racing and mountain biking, to name a few.

During this same time, I’ve been fit enough to be mistaken for the
“Man Your Man Could Smell Like” from the Old Spice commercials
(just kidding) and fat enough to be an honorary member of The Fat
Cow Hall of Fame (not kidding).

But regardless of the amount of physical exertion I put forth, my body
weight still yo-yo’d out of control. I quickly learned that exercising as
a method for burning calories is not nearly as important as what you put in
your mouth.

You might have heard the saying that, “You can’t out-train
a bad diet.” That’s because it can take only minutes to consume far
more calories than you could burn even during two hours of intense

For example, a few slices of pizza and a tall glass of Coke, would set you
back about 1,000 calories. A McDonald’s Big Mac, large soft drink and
large fries: 1,624 calories. A Starbucks Mocha Frappucino: 450 calories.

The average man would have to run or play full court basketball for almost
two hours just to burn off three slices of pizza and a soft drink. The average
woman would have to run for almost THREE HOURS to burn off the same meal.

When you consider these facts, it’s crystal clear that exercise is NOT
the most important part of the fat loss equation. And that’s not even the
worst of it, because if you work out the way most exercise gurus and health
agencies recommend, you will almost certainly GAIN weight!

The typical recommendation from mainstream health organizations is to
engage in long-duration cardio. While “cardio” exercise does burn
calories, long workouts will also make you ravenously hungry. And numerous
studies have shown that people who exercise more tend to eat more. And as
we have just seen, it is a lot easier to consume those calories than it is
to burn them!

Finally, long duration endurance exercise also causes your levels of human
growth hormone and testosterone to fall... while causing levels of cortisol
(a stress hormone) to rise. This is the definition of hormonal ignorance,
and virtually guarantees the loss of muscle and the accumulation of fat.
For evidence, just take a look at the flat chests, flabby arms, and skinny
legs of most marathon runners.

Wimp or champ, you can build muscle and burn fat with a very simple 18-minute
workout. I've seen 300 lb women do it, old farts and even MMA fighters. It's
scalable. Try it. It's free at:

Alternate link:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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