Subject: FAQ: One Man's Health Crisis


Hello, I'm a 48 year old male. I'm 50 lbs overweight. My blood sugar averages 300 (normal 85 to 95). My testosterone levels are lower than that of a 13 year old girl. My \"hemoglobin A1C is a whopping 12.2\" (normal 4.4-5.8). My mental focus is low and my cholesterol supposedly \"high.\"

My trusted family doctor is telling me that that all I need to do is take a cholesterol lowering drug and Adderall for \"ADD.\" I know better than that, I read your Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs (see Please help me identify the real problem here....


Medically, you are considered a type II diabetic. In contrast to type I diabetes your pancreas has been producing plenty of insulin – over many years.

Insulin is the \"nutrient taxi.\" It transports glucose (blood sugar) and other life saving nutrients from the bloodstream into muscle cells. Unfortunately, due to the excess insulin, your cells have become numb to it. A metabolic nightmare has set in.

Not responding to insulin, glucose and life saving nutrients are no longer being taxied into the cell. Instead, they are floating in the bloodstream. They will eventually be excreted via your urine. But not before they wreak havoc within your body. Blood sugar that floats aimlessly in the bloodstream yields \"glycation.\"

Glycation is simply the chemical reaction between sugar and amino acids in your blood. The product of this reaction is a life-threatening compound known as an Advanced-Glycated End Product (AGE Product). To measure how much glycation you have, doctors and nutritionists look at hemoglobin A1C (yours is off the charts!). Increased A1C can be used to measure how much damage your body has suffered from the \"lost blood sugar.\"

Uncontrolled, the AGE Products will elicit fatigue, depression, blurred vision/blindness, joint pain (osteoarthritis) and heart disease.

There are many causes of type II diabetes. It may be a sedentary lifestyle, fast food (trans fats) consumption, excess sugar and/or the use of amphetamines. Aging accelerates so fast among those who suffer from type II diabetes that they can erase 10 years from their lives!

In light of the wanton use of amphetamines like Ritalin and Adderall it is important to note that their use can build \"catecholamine resistance.\" This means that a person's naturally occurring amphetamine-like molecules are no longer able to stimulate metabolism due to the administration of these popular drugs. Like the boy who cried wolf, your body is no longer responding to the metabolic help-message sent by catecholamines.

In summary, you are suffering from rampant insulin and catecholamine resistance. Said another way: Your metabolism and hormones have been turned off. You are operating on one of eight cylinders. The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery WILL reverse this health catastrophe. The 10 simple habits outlined for 24 hour fat loss are EASY to follow. Combined, they will shed the fat, increase your hormone levels and kick start your mental focus. You'll feel like a new man! I promise!

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Great Question!

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Health Myths Exposed