Subject: FAQ: How does this cinnamon/milk thistle combo work so well?


Right now we have an epidemic of high blood sugar.

For kids born in 2000 or later, it's going to steal 11 to 20 years
from their lifespan, according to the latest population studies!

For moms and dads, their future isn't looking too bright, either.
Daily life is burdened by obesity, depression, kidney disease
and low energy caused by excess sugar.

If you blame old age, you're lying to yourself.

Rising mortality rates and the decrease in lifespan stems from way too
much sugar damaging your insides...

Of course, there are others who are taking charge with Cinnergy

I've had the honor to watch as Cinnergy users CURED their type II diabetes.
Some went on to build badass, historic cars (hey Roy!) and even AIRPLANES
(hey Tom!) once they left diabetes behind.

That's living young!

I've been getting buried in emails asking me, "Why does Cinnergy
works so well?"

It's not a mystery.

Cinnergy contains a very potent blend of cinnamon and milk thistle.

Both tune the body to "hear" and respond to insulin's message...

Just think of a fuzzy radio. When the body doesn't respond to insulin,
sugar rises in the blood. It's not hearing the message of, "remove

That's the primary job of get sugar out of the blood.

But if the body can't hear that message, it can't take action against the
sweet killer.

That's a bad hormonal reception.

Cinnergy turns the hormonal dial so the message is more clear.

It's a tuner.

When used, the message is crystal clear.

That message from insulin tells the muscles to vacuum up sugar, before
it wreaks havoc. Muscles suck up sugar and burn it up in the mitochondria.

Just think of the mitochondria as a sugar furnace...(It works even
better if you move your a$$ at the gym!)

That National Institutes of Health have been studying this process for
ages. Their results showed, "There is accumulating evidence that cinnamon
extracts contain components that enhance insulin action."

Add milk thistle (silymarin) and the message is crystal clear!

The body reacts fast!

Phytotherapy Research wrote, "In conclusion, silymarin treatment in type
II diabetic patients for 4 months has a beneficial effect on improving blood
sugar levels."

It really is that potent...So there's no reason to have an epidemic of high
blood sugar when you have Cinnergy.

Learn more at

A few weeks on Cinnergy and all the worries and complications of
high blood sugar dissolve like a sugar cube in coffee, there's nothing
to stress....Just go live young and kick ass.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is the most potent and cleanest form of cinnamon and
milk thistle on the planet...The cheapest too! Buy 3 and get 15% off!