Subject: ~Ever heard of this heart preserving compound? (Sale Ends in 6 Hours!)

Only about 6 hours left to save huge on Cardio FX and Secret Health Files,
which is all-out FREE, with no catch, when you buy Cardio FX, today!

But first, let’s have a very quick and valuable lesson in heart health!

Ever heard of procyanidins?

Probably not…that’s the active ingredient in Cardio FX, my all-natural,
hawthorn-rich heart supplement. It’s designed to control blood pressure,
bust unruly clots and strengthen the heart muscle.

It’s used by athletes and heart attack victims..and anyone else who
values their cardiovascular system. Within an hour of taking Cardio FX,
you have better oxygen and nutrient distribution…for over a decade it’s
been a smashing best seller among pilots, doctors, elite athletes and
pregnant moms.

And that’s because of procyanidins, which come from hawthorn!

As a chemist, I’ve been studying these compounds for over 20 years. Here
are some very telling quotes from other chemists on the front lines of

Writing for American Family Physician, Dr. Emily Scott from the University
of California at Irvine Medical Center wrote, “Hawthorn medicinal
extract has long been a favored herbal remedy in Europe. The active
components of this slow-acting cardiotonic agent are thought to be
flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins. Reviews of placebo-controlled
trials have reported both subjective and objective improvement in patients
with mild forms of heart failure. Other studies of hawthorn in patients
with heart failure have revealed improvement in clinical symptoms,
pressure–heart rate product, left ventricular ejection fraction, and
patients' subjective sense of well-being.”

The medicinal journal, Pharmacognosy Reviews wrote that, “The medicinal
properties of hawthorn have been utilized by many cultures for a variety of
therapeutic purposes for many centuries. In the Western world,
cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become one of the single most significant
causes of premature death. Results recorded from clinical trials, would
indicate that hawthorn preparations hold significant potential as a useful
remedy in the treatment of CVD.”

And Dr. Laura Jeanne Eaton, writing for The Journal of Family Practice,
highlighted that, “In most herbal reference texts, hawthorn extract is
recommended as an oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. In
Germany, its use has been approved for use in patients with New York Heart
Association (NYHA) class II symptoms, and the extract is marketed as a
prescription medicine. The extract is believed to possess positive
inotropic and negative chronotropic cardiac properties, and increase
coronary blood flow. Unlike most other inotropic agents, it also exhibits
antiarrhythmic properties.”

So by now, you should know that procyanidins are very valuable to your
health. Critical, in fact! Their the active ingredients in hawthorn that
protect and preserve your heart, blood and arteries!

Every time I complete a new manufacturing run of Cardio FX, I spend
thousands of dollars and many hours in Quality Control (QC) making sure
that every capsule is brimming with procyanidins!

…and they are!

For the next 6 hours you can get a 3-pack of Cardio FX for 15% off. Plus,
I’m tossing in my Secret Health Files (A $97 Value) absolutely FREE!

…like not knowing what procyanidins were, there’s plenty more to be

That’s why I’m tossing in my 4-hour audio course, FREE of charge!

I’m also covering the shipping costs so that I can remove any excuse you
might have in investing in your health and education!

Let me be frank. The pharmaceutical industry thinks you’re not smart
enough to understand the inner workings of the pharmaceutical scam –
which keeps these natural cure findings private, while hoodwinking you into
using dangerous prescriptions.

Who are the culprits? How do I know all this?

They are a web of “enablers” that preserve a wildly profitable but
deadly business model. They are “Physician Fat Cats” who obey
prescribing orders handed down by pretty drug reps. They are government
agencies who obey a pharmaceutically compliant congress and use our tax
dollars to drug innocent children and elderly. They are the chemists who
obey their pharmaceutical masters and design drugs that mask symptoms but
don’t treat the cause. And I used to be one of them…

This “Hokey Pokey” effect has taken grip, and no matter how ridiculous
the charade, millions are taking part in it at the expense of your health
and wealth! You can ditch your meds…You can live active any age.

You can get the truth.

And that’s why I’m offering Cardio FX 3-Packs at 15% off and tossing in
Secret Health Files for absolutely no charge. This is 4 hours of quick, 10
minute health briefs that will snap you out of “pharmaceutical zombie

Sales ends in 6 hours so stock up at

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Secret Health Files is 4-CD's of short health briefs to bring you up
to topic on the most pressing health and medicine issues of our time! A
bestseller in education, I sell it for $97!!! For the next few hours it's
yours FREE when you buy a 3-pack of Cardio FX for 15% off! Get it here: