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From The Desk of The People's Chemist:

My latest book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures was recently awarded the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. But most importantly, its renewing health and giving people their life back. Thank you for making it a hit.

All new ethical bribe ($275 worth) below to keep it up.

Get the book at but first see how you can get $275 in products FREE!!!! Keep reading. Offer ends in two days.

Medicine Rules!

In the name of "health freedom," most pundits are trying to scare the hell out of you and then in the same breath sell you over priced pills.

My book is here to say that if health freedom means anyone can say any stupid sh$! to sell lame products, I'm out. Health, like chemistry and flying, has rules and very little room for "freedom."

Natural Cure Rule #1

Supplement manufacturers MUST provide active ingredients. As you see from this graph, my testing methods compared two turmeric products. One followed the rules, the other did not, and failed to proved active curcuminoids in the proper dose. Busted! And my book tells you more horror stories and exactly what to buy!

This knowledge is LIFESAVING, yet millions are without it.

  That's me speaking to 4th graders at Wilshire Elementary in Los Angeles about medicine and how best to use it. If they can become passionate about my message - which they did - ANYONE can. I purchased 50 books for this talk and gave them out for free. I need you to help do the same.


Buy 4 copies or more today and I'll send you the following FREE of charge

- Water Wars (teaches how to inexpensively convert toxic tap water into pure healing water) report

- Moms-In-Thongs Butt Blaster Workout

- Weekly meal plan that tastes great and is sure to help you eat your way into shape for FREE!

This package alone has been sold for $125.00, but is yours FREE.  Please read the testimony below to see how you could impact someones life.


  Secret Heath Files is about 4 hours of 10-minute tracks covering everything that was WITHHELD in my book! I spent years painstakingly creating what I believe to be the most powerful learning tool on the planet. This wasn't made from a laptop with a cheap mic...and the information isn't a rehash of junk you find online. Every track provides actionable advice about todays biggest health and medicine topics!

Offer ends Monday, March 28!

Forward Amazon receipt to Purchase here. Tell your friends.

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My Book May Not Be For You

I didn't write my book in a way that would reach millions. I wrote it with strict standards to the facts, so taht real health could be achieved, rather than appeal to the lazy masses who usually want something for nothing...You are different.

I know you can appreciate the importance of telling others about Over-The-Counter Natural Cures (via forwarding my emails), and making a lasting difference in their life, regardless of how controversial the material might be. It's the superior thing to do, and I wrote the book so that it would be.

Most health books are so gawdawful, that they give natural health a bad name. Seriously, how many times do we have to hear about Omega-3, krill oil and vitamin D?

When I wrote this book, I set out to change the way we think about natural health. It has to be more than a supplement huckster writing about risky drugs and then selling us their own, high priced junk disguised as a vitamin. And it also has to be more than a bunch of fuzzy, health generalizations sprayed on the page.

My controversial writing has proven to ignite thinking. And guess what, thinking has always been the staple of leadership and success. So thanks for being a leader and a thinker! Over-The-Counter Natural Cures is a success because of it. The new feedback from Amazon and email below reflects this.

One of the Best Health Books of our Time

Having studied health for the last thirty years, this book has to be in the top 5 I've ever read.

- S. Cook

Get the book at

25 lbs of Fat Vanishes!

I have a collection of over 200 books in my holistic library and i have read them all, taken what I want and have left the rest, but there is something about Shane,his knowledge and his ability to write a book in a way that everyone will understand that sets him apart from other author's of books of this nature. I soon came to realize that this was not like my other books that I have read and stuck in my bookcases. There was information in this book that I had never heard of before...information that could and ultimatly would transform my life!!

Fast forward to January of 2010 and I have achieved amazing results from following the advice in Shane's book. I have lost a total of 25 pounds in two months time, my energy level has soared through the roof, my mind clarity is no longer foggy, my skin has improved, I sleep like a baby for at least 8 to 9 hours every night, my libido is similar to when I was 30 and I will be 50 in July (husband smilies alot), I have abs and I never dreamed that I would have abs again at my age! I am also saving a ton of money because I was a huge supplement junkie and after following the advice in this book I realized that I no longer needed to take so many supplements!

- L. Miller

Physician Beats Type II Diabetes FAST with OTC Natural Cures

I just had to email you, this. I'm an emergency room physician and was searching for a cause of the massive rise in heart attacks and stumbled upon your site and purchased your book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. At first I was not sure about your information. Suddenly it became personal for me.

I started really gaining weight, I was tired all the time, my vision became so bad that even with my glasses I could not read the monitor from the end of the bed, I had to walk right up to it to read it. I had 2 days off after a night shift and basically slept the whole time on my days off. I ate horrible, because I craved comfort food fried food, etc. Finally I checked a fasting blood sugar at 3:00AM during a night shift. It was 360 (normal is 85-95, over this type II diabetes sets in)! My BP was through the roof. I felt horrible, I was in really bad shape.

My medical partners urged me to see a specialist to get on meds [for type II diabetes]. I thought now is the time to put all this research to the test. The physician I went to was a bit apprehensive about not starting me on any meds, but because I was a physician he let me.

Within 3 weeks, my fasting blood sugars have ALL BEEN NORMAL (see graph, I plotted each one). I could not even do 1 mile in 12 min starting.

Note from Shane: Bottom shows days, left shows blood sugar level. As its lowered, his muscles are becoming more sensitive to the fat storing hormone insulin, which means his weight plummets in response.

Eyesight Regained Naturally for less than $10!

"I gave your book to a close friend. He tried your suggestions on eye health and reported that he got 75% of his vision back!"

- Michelle

"I've been telling my Dad to get off cholesterol-lowering drugs for 7 years! After reading your book, he called to say he threw them away! Thank you!"

- Julie

"My 49 year old brother-in-law and my 23 year old nephew both died of cancer within 18 months of each other. I watched them waste away at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston while having their immune systems disabled by poisonous chemo."

"In the chapter "Avoid Cancer Now" Ellison writes about a turmeric cancer cure that ironically, has been researched by M. D. Anderson Cancer Center researchers. Early this year I had a spot on my left temple that looked like melanoma. As it grew from a small spec to around 3/8 inch diameter, I thought about my dear deceased relatives and I started to become concerned, really concerned that I might end up just like them. That's when I received an advance copy of a chapter from Over-The-Counter Natural Cures and read about the $8 cancer cure."

"Ellison's explanation of why we get cancer and how we can prevent and cure it was the clearest and best that I'd ever read or heard of anywhere, including the clueless doctors at M.D. Anderson. I obtained the bottle of turmeric supplements recommended in chapter 9 of Shane's book and began taking as much as three grams daily. Within about a week and a half the spot started to shrink and after thirty days it was completely gone as if it had never been there at all. I can't express the relief I felt. I went from the gloomy prospect of facing my own death, to the wide open mental spaces of health and optimism again. There is no price that can be put on natural remedies like this. But if I had to assign a value, I'd say that this book is worth many times it's weight in gold."

- Chuck

"I am thrilled to help spread the word about your new book. Although I have been aware of much of the contents within the book from my own previous research I still didn't know quite where to turn. I am also delighted to find a way to share this information with my family and friends, When this comes direct from "The People's Chemist" it seems to take on a much deeper meaning and respect. I like the way Shane makes it so simple to understand and the solutions are at our fingertips. I'm telling everyone about this book. This book is fun to read and hard to lay down.!!! I've purchased 5 so far and will be purchasing more in the near future. One of my relatives that I gave the book to just "loves the book" and is purchasing for all of her grown adult children! Wow, that says alot!!! How can 'we the people' thank you enough for sharing your great knowledge with us?? We can by using the products and telling everyone we know about them. We definitely NEED more honest people like you. Thanks, Shane, and I do enjoy your website."

- Karen

"I gave the book to my Uncle. Three weeks later he was off all of his diabetic meds! He's a PC fanatic and his blood sugar has gone from 220 to averaging around 98! Thank you for writing!"

- Dean

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