Subject: ~Enticing you into more meds! (What to do if on prescription drugs!)


Americans spend more money on “health care” than anyone…and yet
we’re the sickest nation in the world.

That's because meds are the problem, not the solution.

Would we still be flying faulty planes if they fell out of the sky more than
they soared in it?

Of course not...then why the f#$ck are people still taking their meds?

Because there's a nebulous sea of a$$holes that are constantly pushing
them on the American people. They are:

- Big Pharma
- The US Government
- Wall Street
- And all the little people in-between who grease the monster

It's One Nation Under Drugs.

And now there's a way for people to get their meds even faster.
It's called "CoverMyMeds."

CoverMyMeds is a software platform used by doctors and pharmacists
to obtain “quick drug approval” for patients.

Really it’s just a crafty scheme to help you get drugs, quicker.

“CoverMyMeds was founded in 2008 with a mission to help patients get the
medication they need to be healthy. We do that by electronically automating
the medication prior authorization (PA) process, saving health care
professionals valuable time and ensuring patients receive the medication
they need to be well,” says the company’s website.

Get your meds faster…die sooner!

NOBODY needs meds to be healthy. The software is nothing more than “direct
deposit” for drug companies.

CoverMyMeds was co-founded by Matt Scantland (CEO) and Sam Rajan, a

Scantland said in a 2014 interview with Columbus CEO magazine: “Prior
authorization is a pretty esoteric thing to those outside of health care,
but if you are in the doctor’s office, it is probably your least-favorite
part of the job. And if you’re a patient, getting through this process
can be the difference between managing your illness and getting a whole lot

Who the hell wants to “manage” their illness?

The idea is to get rid of the illness and create health…but you can’t
do that while on “CoverMyMeds.”

The technology was intended to solve the problem of “too much

“Before CoverMyMeds created its software, patients and doctors relied on
a complex system based on paper, faxes and phones to get insurance
approvals for new prescriptions. It was so slow and cumbersome that it
sometimes caused patients to abandon their prescriptions,” says

“CoverMyMeds was the first, and remains the only, all drug, all payer
prior authorization solution,” the company boasts.

Ridiculous. All it does is reinforce America’s unhealthy dependence on
prescription meds. CoverMyMeds solves nothing.

The main company to promote CoverMyMeds is Purdue Pharma — the
same one responsible for the current opioid epidemic.

Instead of relying on CoverMyMeds for your health, rely on your middle
finger to protect you from predatory prescriptions.

Outside of a life-threatening emergency, nobody needs meds.

[Find out how to safely wean off all meds by reading]

A TPC fan from New York wrote:

“I’m done with meds. I trashed Metformin and tried Cinnergy. My numbers
are far better than meds ever could do. And I have the energy to take walks
at night with my wife. Thanks!”

That person used Cinnergy to beat diabetes and clean their liver from
the meds. It works and if your on any meds whatsoever, it's mandatory
for protecting you:

Try your first bottle at!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. If CoverMyMeds truly cared about people’s health, they’d be
helping individuals get OFF meds. Instead, they make it easier to get
everyone medicated faster. Stupid.

Meds are for sick people, not healthy people. If you don’t want to be
sick for the rest of your life…read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded. It teachers readers how to safely wean off all meds:

P.P.S. Use to protect the liver from toxins (including
prescription drugs!). You’ll be amazed at much better you feel.