Subject: Enormous Benefit

Health Brief regarding LifeFX by HealthFX Now on sale at Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) found in LifeFX Discovered in 1951, ALA is just now being considered the "drug of the future." In 2005, the medical publication Pharmacological Reports stated that "lipoic acid will appear in the future as a key component of practically all drug formulations." This notoriety is primarily due to the antioxidants beneficial effects on skin as well as many other diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, Parkinson's and osteoarthritis. You already known that antioxidants protect us from free radicals. You may be wondering what makes ALA so special relative to antioxidants like vitamin C and E? Good question. ALA is wildly unique. Unlike any other antioxidant, ALA is both fat and water soluble due to its metabolic conversion into dihydro-lipoic acid. With ease, this molecule protects all environments of the body from oxidative stress. ALA is also unique due to its ability to recycles vitamin E and C. For this reason, it has been called an "antioxidant of antioxidants." ALA maintains and even increases our bodies' own antioxidant: glutathione. Glutathione's best attribute is its ability to detoxify the body and protect us from cancer. While defending the body against oxidative stress and subsequent cancer, ALA also provides a natural face-lift to users. This most revered ability of ALA is due to its activation of a transcription factor known as AP-1. In collaboration with AP-1, ALA promotes the digestion of damaged collagen. Without ALA, AP-1 increases free radical production within the skin cell when exposed to sun. This in turn makes the cell produce collagen damaging and micro-scarring enzymes. Hence, as a preventive measure, ALA continually works within the skin cells to keep skin from becoming wrinkled and brittle. Regarding a natural face-lift, those who suffer from wrinkled, aged skin are able to once again regain a youthful, healthy look thanks to the team work of ALA and AP-1. No other antioxidant confers so many benefits to users. The best natural sources of ALA are spinach, broccoli, and beef. ALA can also be used as a dietary supplement (300-600mg per day) and even applied topically. Look at your local health food store for a skin creme with ALA! Buy now: To your health, HealthFX