Subject: ~Eisenhower's 1961 Grim Warning...

Dwight Eisenhower was the 34th president of the US. At his farewell speech
he warned of "unwarranted influence” that would give rise to the "the
military-industrial complex.” Today, The New England Journal of Medicine
asserts that there's a new controlling power: The medical-industrial

“The past decade has seen the rise of another kind of private "industrial
complex" with an equally great potential for influence on public policy —
this time in health care. What I will call the "new medical-industrial
complex" is a large and growing network of private corporations engaged in
the business of supplying health-care services to patients for a profit —
services heretofore provided by nonprofit institutions or individual

This power aims for One Nation Under Meds. And it breeds, “disease
inflation” by influencing politics, Wall Street and the FDA. They own
your schools, hospitals and your politician.

Through the eyes of a chemist, it’s jaw dropping to watch. But for the
average moron, it’s welcomed through health care benefits and “free”
vaccines…when told that “health” insurance is mandatory, most don’t
even question it, they line up.

When told that their kids must get shots for school, they line up.

When told they need cholesterol-lowering drugs, they line up.

When told they must have chemo, they line up.

This “lining up” is willful ignorance in action, akin to that which
fueled Nazi Germany.

Only a few are escaping.

Gary recently emailed me to say, “I am with you 100% I have been using
your products for several years, and not ONE has failed to do whatever you
said it was supposed to.  Thanks to your products I am heather than ever.
AT 80+ I am not using ANY meds. Ditched them all.”

Susan too…she wrote, “Well last Friday my doctor sent me for a state of
the art photo of my heart and arteries. The test tells you how much
calcification is in your arteries and gives you a number up to the
thousands. My results came in and I have ZERO calcification, absolutely
none. I’m in the zero percentage for my age out of all the thousands they
have checked. I’m diabetic so this is more than important to me. Diabetes
and heart problems go hand in hand. I use Cardio FX and Cinnergy and the
daily dose and immunity FX when needed and Joint FX everyday. I’m just
lucky I found the Peoples Chemist.  My doctors answer for everything is to
whip out the prescription pad. I don’t even take Tylenol why would I? I
use Relief FX.”

Time to break free!

Want to ditch blood thinners and cholesterol lowering drugs? Start here:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist