Subject: Eat This for Younger Skin without Sunscreen

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

The Quest for Younger Skin without Sunscreen

By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison

My wife and I are unconventional parents.  We didn’t vaccinate our children.  We don’t let them drink their body weight in soda.  And we make them eat their sunscreen.  Before you report me to child services, let me assure you that I’m not talking about the conventional, synthetic sun block that’s loaded with poisons.  I’m talking about edible sun block in the form of carotenoids that helps people of all ages obtain youthful, glowing skin.

Carotenoids are a family of nutrients that protect plants and animals from excess sunshine.  Just like melanin (our naturally produced sun block), they are colorful molecules which reflect UV Rays.  About 700 different types of carotenoids have been identified.  Each of the pigments functions as edible sun block. 

When humans ingest carotenoids they are deposited into the skin to prevent sun burn and keep our skin looking radiantly healthy.  Ultimately they ward off oxidative stress, which can lead to cancer.

Leading sources of carotenoids are:




dark green leafy vegetables (kale, collards and spinach),

yellow-orange fruits  

vegetables (apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, and squash). 

The recommended daily intake of carotenoids can be achieved by consuming 100-200 grams per day of the above vegetables and fruits.

Most Potent Carotenoid

The most potent of carotenoids is a red pigment found in algae, salmon, trout, shrimp and lobsters.  It is known as astaxanthin. 

Once ingested by humans, astaxanthin is 1000 times more effective at protecting skin from UV damage compared to other carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lutein! 

Astaxanthin was discovered by studying microscopic algae and salmon.  The algae are normally green. But when subjected to sunshine, they produce the red, reflective pigment naturally.  This vital nutrient serves as the “never-ending” antioxidant.

Its protecting qualities have popularized it among academic circles.  Microbiologist Todd Lorenz, Ph.D. commented on the red pigment by stating that, “It’s one of the most amazing antioxidants we’ve ever discovered. It can make you look and feel younger in as little as four weeks!”

Most antioxidants fade away once they scavenge free radicals.  This is of no benefit to skin that is under oxidative stress for long periods.  Astaxanthin on the other hand has much more staying power. 

The long lasting ability of astaxanthin is due to it being very electron-rich.  Just as a profitable business is able to donate money, astaxanthin can donate electrons to electron deficient free radicals.  Once astaxanthin reacts with the free radical it becomes “energized.”  Rather than use the extra energy to neutralize itself or even ignite a cascade of damage, it simply releases it as heat!  This is a most important distinction. 

Unchanged by free radical scavenging, astaxanthin remains on standby for further protection.  Oxidative stress within the cell is diminished and cellular function remains intact among the electron rich astaxanthin molecule.  The unique molecular structure of astaxanthin allows it to trap and neutralize more types of damaging free radicals than any other antioxidant. 

Beware of supplements labeled as “astaxanthin” 

Approximately 99% of astaxanthin pills are synthetic copy cats of Mother Nature and WILL NOT provide you with the protection and glow that you would get from obtaining it from natural sources, as outlined in 

In nature, astaxanthin exists as four chemical cousins, working together on the molecular level to suffocate free radicals.  In pill form, it’s merely a single, man-made compound that is inferior biologically and, as a biological imposter, potentially toxic.

In sum, naturally occurring astaxanthin is far more beneficial than icky, synthetic sunscreen.  They are vital in your quest for beautiful skin.  And to ensure that your children and whole family obtain that vibrant, young glow, make sure you pack plenty of carotenoids in their lunch box this summer!  

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It's too hard to keep up with the research of modern day medicine and health.  But if you don't, you're at risk!  That's where Natural Cures Watchdog comes in handy; it informs and educates!  It's published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND.  Sign up at