Subject: ~Eat 4-6 Meals Daily?

Stop grazing on 4-6 meals per day!

It's 2019, time to banish this myth...

The grazing myth grew from the discovery that eating boosts your
metabolism. It’s called diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). I learned about
it in 9th grade, along with all the other outdated, simple-minded personal
training drab – written by ‘roiders – found in muscle magazines.

There is a limit to everything. And the limit to diet induced thermogenesis
diminishes after three meals.

Otherwise, why not eat 10 meals?

If you want to optimize your hormones and weight, eat 3 meals per day and
space them out by “fasting windows” of 4-6 hours (The longer the better).
If you go to lower meals or even one per day, your metabolism will go into
fat storage mode! (Between meals, stick to water and tea, nothing else.)

That's why breakfast is so important, you need to activate your metabolism
after 6-8 hours of sleeping!

And when you do eat, choose high-fat, high-calorie, satiating foods! That
would be things like eggs, chicken, humane-raised red meat, whey, bone
broths, raw milk, quinoa, coconut oil, avocados, fish, butter, seeds, nuts.

All of these foods are slow digested and ensure that you don’t have low
blood sugar and corresponding “psychoglycemia” during the 4-6 hour
“fasting windows.” These periods will force your body to optimize its
hormone balance, output, and sensitivity (BOS) so that you begin
controlling your hunger and caloric intake, naturally – akin to your
breathing rate and heartbeat.

Forcing yourself to have fasting windows is one of the best things you can
do for your health and longevity! During this time, drink lemon water or tea
(with cinnamon) to help your hormones control appetite.

Sticking to daily fasting windows will renew your energy, rewire your tastebuds,
and even slow the aging process. It’s one of the best things you can do to live

Get 4 more fat loss tips at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Are you rejuvenating your body with healthy and pure whey protein
isolate? If there is one thing your body needs is essential amino acids...
without it, your body grows old prematurely and decays. But when you
flood your body with, you equip it with
amino acids that supercharge "cellular turnover," which is a fancy
word for slowed aging. Learn more at!