Subject: ~Easiest way to lose 10 pounds (Anyone can do it for $60)

"How can I lose a few pounds, fast?’”

I get that a lot.

Whether it’s for vacation, making weight for a jiu-jitsu tournament or
squeezing back into a pair of skinny jeans, people are desperate to shed
those last 10 pounds of stubborn fat.

Plus, anyone reading this can stand to lose 10lbs, I guarantee it!

You can't be healthy and overweight at the same time.

So, it’s a good question!

Forcing your body to shed weight isn’t easy.

I’ve written how even strenuous exercise won’t work. Hell, I just got back
from a Crossfit gym where I was doing my 18-minute workout (FREE below).
I’m no bodybuilder, but hell, you could at least tell I was ‘fit.’ Most of the
participants looked like they haven’t worked out in months! Yet, I know for
certain they go regularly…like every fucking day of the week!

So why haven’t they lost the extra 10 (or even 20) pounds hanging of

Because their hormones ARE NOT RESPONDING TO EXERCISE!

They might be awake, but their HORMONES ARE SLEEPING!”

In men and women, fat loss is ignited by glucagon, testosterone and
epinephrine. But as we gain weight, insulin and blood sugar rise. This
shuts down the production of the aforementioned fat burners.

In turn, exercise fanatics carrying extra weight aren't recipients of the
fat loss benefits that usually accompany exercise. Instead, their body
burns sugar, technically speaking, glucose. This suck 'cause then
it forces the brain to crave more...sugar!

It's a vicious cycle if you haven't forced your hormones to WAKE UP.

If hormones were awake, the loss of sugar would ignite fat burning to
compensate for the drop in sugar and energy, rather than sugar craving!

That's what happens to me when I do my 18-Minute Workout! (World
famous, BTW!)

Therefore, if you want to lose the extra weight, it’s all about waking
up your hormones! Surprisingly, you can do that with one, simple, all-natural
pill: Thermo FX, my yerba mate based fat burner.

Just see what Debbie recently emailed me after optimizing her hormones
with Thermo FX:

“I am 53 years old and weighed 152 lbs (that is the most I have ever weighed
except while pregnant) and I am a mother of 4 boys. I now weigh 137
lbs. I have stuck to your plan and incorporated your book ‘Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures’ into my life, and I must say it was a lot easier than I expected.
It just makes so much sense. I just needed someone to give me that first
kick in the pants. Thank-you! I feel sooo much better, physically and emotionally.
Also, your weekly e-mails are of great support and I really look forward to the
next one each week. Just want to say ‘thanks again’.”

Get your hormones back with Thermo FX:

Oh yea, and if you want to go to Crossfit, you should. It’s fun. But
don’t be late or they try to ‘police you.’ I think that’s ridiculous.

Crossfit gyms who make people do Burpees for being late need to get over
it. Not all of us live our lives around how good we can be at exercise. We’re
busy crushing life outside the gym... And, for the people who really don’t
like to exercise, you are giving them an excuse not to show up at all… Crossfit
is a business, not a sports team. If you wanted one of those, you should have
made the wrestling team WAAAY back in high school.”

Now, for the rest of you, stop being hormone wimps and take charge with
Thermo FX:

This yerba mate based fat burner has a slew of metabolic activators that
guarantee your body responds to exercise, once and for all!

For a total body workout guaranteed to optimize your lean body mass
and hormones, get my 18-Minute Workout FREE:

Send this to your friends and family too!

They'll love you even more for it!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Don't be so presumptuous to think that you're better than 18 minutes.
You're not. This workout will beat you into the ground and make your hormones
better for it! (There's an extreme level for all those badasses out there!)
Get it at the link below after you order Thermo FX (
to force your hormones into submission: