Subject: ~Early-Stage Prostate Cancer a Hoax?!?

Researchers have found that surgery and radiation are useless at treating
"early-stage prostate cancer." Not only that — but these so-called
"treatments" cause sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and bowel problems,
courtesy of side effects!

This is one of the biggest threats to all men in America!

Reporting on two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine,
Washington Post writes:

"The survival rate for early-stage prostate cancer is 99 percent after 10
years, regardless of whether men undergo surgery, radiation or are
‘actively monitored,' according to studies published Wednesday."

"…The scientists also found that the surgery and radiation treatments
sometimes caused severe side effects, including sexual dysfunction,
incontinence and bowel problems, that hurt the patients' quality of life."

…so what the hell's the point of getting "treatment" and risking side

Ever hear of "first do no harm?"

"Researchers from the universities of Oxford and Bristol found no
difference in survival rates among men who were randomly assigned to
surgery, radiation or monitoring; it is the largest study of its kind."

In other words, treatment is not only pointless — but if you get said
treatment, you'll also get nasty side effects to go along with it…while
watching your manhood evaporate into thin air.

It's better to do nothing. You'll achieve the same result, with no side

(Tell that to the millions of patients who insist on listening to their
doctor! Welcome to America, where doing things that make no sense is the
fucking norm.)

The lead researcher of the studies, Freddie Hamdy — a professor of
surgery and urology at the University of Oxford — flat out advised
patients that they should not "rush to receive treatment, but to really
digest and really look at the side effects that the treatments produce."

Meanwhile, in clinics all across America, doctors and surgeons are
encouraging men with "early-stage prostate cancer" to go ahead and get
surgery or radiation as soon as fucking possible.

Makes you wonder…does "early-stage prostate cancer" even exist?!? Is it
even a real disease?!? Or is it a ploy to sell meds?

This is an outrageous controversy that nobody gives a shit about, sadly.

Just like "pre-diabetes" is a bullshit diagnosis intended to get people
hooked on diabetes meds as quickly as possible… "early-stage prostate
cancer" is another BS diagnosis intended to get otherwise healthy men
sliced and diced, or radiated up the behind.


How about living young instead?

How about saying "no thanks" to unnecessary surgery and radiation… and
instead, keep things simple?

Enter Palmetto+…my brand NEW supplement that offers full protection for
the prostate [], courtesy of Mother Nature. (For men
only!) No knives, surgery, or radiation required.

No side effects, either. And it's PROVEN to stop prostate enlargement.

This is a new product just released…fresh off the shelves from The
People's Chemist. We have a limited supply available. Due to high quality
control standards, it takes longer than average to produce this product. So
order now, or you may have to wait for it.

As with all my products, you can be assured there are ZERO additives in

Absolutely NO:

- Titanium Dioxide
- Magnesium Stearate
- Carrageenan
- silicon dioxide
- calcium carbonate
- Glucose Syrup
- Sucrose
- Dextrose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Chromium
- Cholecalciferol
- Soy
- Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)

While other prostate supplements on the market are packed with the
aforementioned garbage to increase shelf-life, Palmetto+ is free of all

I only produce it in small batches…so there's no need to artificially
extend shelf-life.

If you're a man over 50, then you should definitely be taking Palmetto+ to
protect your prostate!

Men over 30, use it for preventive health.

Order here >>

…And if you want true protection from ALL forms of cancer, learn how to
use what I call "nutrient logic." This simply means feeding the body the
exact nutrients it needs to be healthy…boom, no cancer, no disease. How
simple is that?

But people insist on being stupid and overcomplicating shit.

Keep it simple. Use Palmetto+ for total prostate health protection.

And read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
[], which explains how to use nutrient logic to kick
cancer's ass. Doesn't matter where the cancer is located in the body
(prostate or other body part)…nutrient logic is what conquers cancer by
preventing it in the first place. Period.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Radiation and surgery for "early-stage prostate cancer"? Don't bother.
Researchers have discovered that 99% of men diagnosed with early stage
prostate cancer live another 10 years — REGARDLESS of whether or not they
get radiation or surgery. Those who opt for surgery and radiation get side
effects like sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and bowel problems. So save
your money! Save your health! For full prostate protection, turn instead to
my natural supplement, Palmetto+ []. (Order now!
Limited supply available!)