Subject: Duh. Even sipping this "healthy" drink will raise blood sugar!


I handed over my 8 week old daughter to sound this alarm...It's
pathetic that I even have too. The masses have become so

(But hey, I have a lifestyle to protect. Just yesterday I
splurged on $80 sunglasses and bought a new sun
visor for my '99 4-Runner.)

Commonly marketed health drinks like almond milk, rice milk
and soy milk will, without a doubt, spike your blood sugar.

Let me tell you what that means:

When you spike blood sugar, your body has to protect itself.

Blood sugar is toxic.

Sure, sugar helps fuel various mechanisms required for survival, but
your body can make it from fat and protein in small amounts when

When you choke it down via crap drinks, you force the pancreas to
release insulin.

When insulin is released, fat can no longer be burned. It's
stored in the gut.

Disgusting, if you ask me.

Additionally, an enzyme known as aromatase is produced.
It converts testosterone into estrogen.

Now, all sorts of bad things happen...Notably, you become
fat, weak and frail. You age prematurely, too.

Stop getting swindled!

There's only one kind of milk to drink. It's raw milk. Otherwise, drink
purified water, tea, wine, coffee.

Sad part: These drinks, like other sweets, damage the body
for years courtesy of "insulin resistance." To repair the
damage, start using

Back to holding my baby...I think I just heard her say, "Papa!"

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Save 15% on Cinnergy when you buy 3 at
Yes, its the most potent form of cinnamon and milk thistle ever
formulated! (Almost stronger than my bench press.)

P.S.S. I know! I'm not wearing a shirt because I spilled coffee on it while
rapping. Thanks! My abs are looking great!