Subject: ~Drinking Water Alert!

I avoid all tap water. Too many risks.

Currently, 15 million Americans are being exposed to toxins via
their drinking water. The culprit is a contaminant known as
perfluorochemicals (PFCs).

PFCs are commonly used in stain-resistant products like carpeting, non-stick
cookware, cosmetics, clothing, firefighting equipment, furnishings, and
food packaging.

27 states are contaminated.

This is obviously “a serious public health issue.”

…And who’s responsible for poisoning everyone’s water?


This is the same company with the eccentric heir who killed famed wrestler
Dave Shultz. And more recently, according to CNN, another one, Robert H.
Richards, raped his toddler. (He was given probation to save him from
being hunted down in prison...which means that he got off Scot-Free)

…and for decades, the company has been polluting our water supply and

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) wrote:

“The Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention have found PFC’s in
the bodies of virtually all Americans, and these chemicals can be passed
through the umbilical cord from mother to fetus in the womb.”

Wow, great job DuPont.

Where can I send them a thank you letter?

Rather than clean it up, they buy their way out.

In February 2017, Reuters reported that, “DuPont and Chemours Co have
agreed to pay $671 million in cash to settle thousands of lawsuits
involving a leak of a toxic chemical used to make Teflon, the companies
said on Monday.” sounds like a “Get out of jail free, too.”

$671 million barely registers for companies that make billions. It’s like
asking a felon, convicted of assault and battery, to pay a dollar for his

Do you really want to have DuPont’s chemical stuck in your body tissues
for years?

Are you OK with drinking chemical contaminants in your tap water?

The solution is to use a Zero Water filter (available on Amazon) to remove
all the toxins from your tap water.

I used my background as a chemist to test various water filter brands…and
Zero Water beat them all by a landslide.

I’m not affiliated with the company…nor do I get paid for promoting
them. For years I’ve been recommending their filter as the best in the

See my free 1-minute vid at:

One TPC reader wrote: “I recently moved into a brand new apartment and
was using a Brita filter temporarily to filter out the tap water. Even with
a new Brita filter, the water smelled like paint or pipes or
something…probably due to the brand new construction of the building. I
felt like I was drinking paint and chemicals.”

“I threw away the Brita filter. Ordered a Zero Water filter, per
Shane’s recommendation. The Zero Water filter does a much better job of
getting toxins out of water…I can taste the difference. By far, it
creates the best-tasting, cleanest water I’ve ever had, with NO SMELL.
Just pure water!”

You can order a Zero Water filter off Amazon. It’s worth it!

Meanwhile, you can also support and protect your liver (i.e., the part of
your body responsible for filtering out all toxins) — by supplementing
with Cinnergy:

Cinnergy supports the liver with naturally occurring milk thistle —
Mother Nature’s detox cure. (If your liver is weak or damaged, courtesy
of being bombarded by toxins…it cannot do its job.)

After using Cinnergy, you’ll see measurable results within weeks. Plus,
it conveys a host of other benefits… like lower triglycerides (it burns
off belly fat), lower blood sugar, younger-looking skin, more energy, and
fewer sugar cravings. It can also ward off diabetes and premature aging!

Don’t waste another minute being polluted by DuPont or whoever else’s

Protect yourself from the modern day onslaught of toxins by using

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. It’s easy to avoid contaminated water! You can protect yourself by
using Zero Water to filter your water…and supplement with Cinnergy to
safely detox the liver. (If you’re not diabetic, you only need one
capsule per week…it’s that effective!)

Order at