Subject: ~Dr. Oz Called....

The Dr. Oz show called…

PBS Radio did, too.

And so did a local Los Angeles news crew…

They all wanted me to discuss hokey natural cures like
omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and CoQ-10...

I said I wanna talk about the real problems facing Americans:


(This would be a perfect way to plug my new hardcover, 3 Worst Meds!
It's going to be released April 1!)

Today, more than 100,000 thousand plus die every year from using
medications as prescribed.

That’s when they got quiet.

So I added, “I also want to discuss the vaccine overdose currently being
pushed on our vulnerable children in the name of “protecting the herd,”
which is nothing more than a sales ploy to protect Big Pharma profits.”

“Well, we think we’d like to just discuss the positive…”

“This is the positive. Its going to save people’s lives…otherwise,
I’m out.”

And that was that.


…Dr. Oz is a milk toast pussy who pushes the emotional buttons of
Americans to grease the pharmaceutical levers of the drug dealing
machine. His consistency is unmatched. Every time the pharmaceutical
industry gets a profit erection, he’s at the end of it.

In the end, every show refused to allow me to offer a solution to a real
problem…They’re afraid of the truth.

It’s outrageous, actually. With so many bodybags, how can the problem be

These so-called mainstream shows and publications have been so utterly
corrupted by their greed for advertising dollars that they have totally
abandoned any pretense to being good sources of objective information.

They’re simply lackeys of Big Pharma, Wall Street and the FDA - bought
and paid for.

Anyone who dares to suggest that maybe things aren’t honky dory,
that maybe — just maybe — these vaccines and meds
(that they convinced the public to buy in massive quantities) might not be
worth the paper they’re prescribed on — must be


Totally black-balled.

That’s all about to change.

On April 1, I’m releasing my new hardcover, 3 Worst Meds.

Talk shows, newspapers, and even the doctors, are no longer sources of neutral,
science based information. They’re all salesman. They are paid salesman
for the pharmaceutical industry that controls them…

The truth is out in just a couple more weeks! And you you’re going to learn
how to avoid, wean and ditch the 3 worst meds, forever!

Plus, you'll be able to help a loved one take charge of their health so they can
start living young again!

...I get my first copy in the mail tomorrow!!!!

I'm really hoping it's as perfect as I planned it to be! PLEASE! Don't let
there be any missed errors!:)

Stay tuned!

Dare to ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Healthcare is a billion dollar booby trap that's set to steal your
health and wealth. 3 Worst Meds is the remedy. In addition to
highlighting natural alternatives, it also shows you the Quality Control
results from each alternative suggested - exposing the good and bad
of the "vitamin world."

My state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones I used as a
bench chemist for Big Pharma. As part of my Blue Diamond Series, I've
included all the test results free of charge (see last chapter)!
A matter of life and death, this type of razor-sharp laboratory precision is
glossed over or even left out by doctors and online vitamin hucksters...
(Guess I won't be making any friends in the vitamin industry, either!)