Subject: ~Don't ruin your health with Aspirin...(Health ALERT)

It’s all over the medical news: “Serious Bleeding Risk With Aspirin
Soars With Age.”

Instead of simply suggesting that people stop taking aspirin…their
solution is more meds.

“Older people who take aspirin to prevent a recurrent cardiovascular
event should take a proton-pump inhibitor [PPI] to lower their risk of
serious bleeding complications, say the authors of a new study published in
the Lancet.”

“Routine PPI use might cut the risk of major bleeds in people over 75.”

Stop. Right. There.

Aspirin is commonly prescribed to people who’ve experienced “a
transient ischemic attack, ischemic stroke, or myocardial infarction.”

The idea is that the pill will prevent another attack from happening.

It’s bullshit. Nobody should be taking aspirin.

But it makes zero sense to prescribe something that can cause other serious
complications like internal bleeding. What happened to, "first do no harm?"

“Researchers in Oxford, led by Peter Rothwell, MD, PhD, followed 3,166
people taking antiplatelet therapy, predominantly aspirin, following a
cardiovascular event. About half the patients were over the age of 75. The
risk of major bleeding, including fatal bleeds and major upper GI bleeds,
increased dramatically with age. Further, a higher proportion of GI
bleeding events were disabling or fatal in older patients, and these events
outnumbered disabling or fatal intracerebral hemorrhage.”

…stop prescribing aspirin to the elderly!

Look, there’s a very simple way to protect your cardiovascular system.
Just feed the body the nutrients it requires, as intended by Mother Nature.

Use Cardio FX ( It’s packed with four simple
ingredients — garlic, hawthorn, magnesium citrate, and grape seed extract
— which are proven to protect the heart from all threats.

Hawthorn is the superstar ingredient in Cardio FX and mandatory for
cardiovascular health. According to the University of Maryland Medical
Center, “One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2
months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart
medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure.” *

Order and use it to protect your heart. It also safely
lowers blood pressure, increases oxygen distribution, and gives athletes
more stamina to crush their workouts!

And yes, it’s safe for the elderly to use.

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. To protect the elderly from aspirin, now they’re suggesting more
meds — proton pump inhibitors! For godsake, don’t trust your heart
health to aspirin. Ditch the meds, and instead use Cardio FX — it’s the
best thing in the world for cardiovascular health. is
Mother Nature’s safe heart supplement. The last thing anyone needs is
heart failure. This natural heart cure will protect you from all threats!

Stock up now: