Subject: ~Don't eat that apple!!!?

Trying to lose weight?

Then skip the apple and eat more fat!

I’m not talking about the artery- butchering, belly-inflating trans fats.
I’m referring to healthy, naturally occurring fats in the form of
humane-raised beef, eggs, seeds, nuts, butter, avocados, eggs,
coconut oil, and fish.

Healthy fats help your body better absorb lifesaving supplements. Without
healthy fats, many nutrients will pass right through you, without eliciting
any benefits!

As more motivation to eat healthy fat, keep in mind that it
will also help you live slim and thin!

Yes, this goes against the old tradition...the sacred cow of "eat less fat."

Traditionally, a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet has been recommended. This
is the foundation of the government-mandated food pyramid. This low-fat
approach is based on simple math.

Fat has about twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein.
Therefore, the knee-jerk reaction is to avoid the calorically rich food and
instead stuff your face with the lower-calorie carbohydrates.

Regardless of the decreased calories, applying the theory has proven

Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, low calorie or not. This, in turn, causes
the pancreas to produce and spike the “Oh no, please don’t take your
shirt off” hormone insulin. This tells your body to store, store, store
and your brain to eat, eat, eat.

Carbohydrate-laden diets have single-handedly expanded America’s
waistline to epidemic proportions. No surprise: math isn’t the best
measure of a food’s effect on the body. Biochemistry is.

Sure, healthy fat has more calories, but healthy fat doesn't
spike blood sugar and insulin. As an added bonus, it makes you
feel fuller, longer, which keeps you from eating more.

This phenomenon has been proven many times.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating twice as much
fat led to greater weight loss. Researchers compared two eating plans that
were similar in caloric intake but vastly different in fat consumption.

Obese individuals who consumed 61 percent fat energy for eight weeks lost
18 pounds; those consuming a mere 30 percent fat lost 14 pounds. (They
replaced the fat intake with 46 percent carbs). Far more staggering than
the differences in weight loss are the differences in biochemistry among
the two groups.

Low-fat, high-carbohydrate eaters are shown to have the perfect biological
environment for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Their blood levels of glucose,
insulin, and triglycerides skyrocket.

So if you want lose fat, eat more of it and skip the fruit and replace it
with healthy fats and veggies, which provide all the micronutrients you

Here's more evidence:

The Nurses’ Study by Harvard found that women who adhere to
mostly carbohydrates increase their risk of diabetes by two and a
half times! Men are not immune to the fattening carbohydrate effect either.

Therefore, judge your food based on its healthy fat content, and the higher, the
better. Then count your calories to make sure you don’t overindulge.
You’ll see quick results.

In a matter of weeks, you’ll notice a significant drop in your percentage of
body fat accompanied by a welcome increase in energy.

Stop futzing around with fad diets and self-proclaimed weight- loss gurus
who push low-calorie carbohydrates like fruits, whole grains, fruit juice,
sugary yogurt, candy bars disguised as health bars, and most anything else
served out of a box, package, or window. In other words, if it tastes
sweet, spit it out…eat more healthy fats.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Need a liver detox? Get the purest milk thistle at
and put a protective shield around your liver to avoid cancer, liver disease
and more: