Subject: ~Don’t be Stupid About Breakfast


Someone has to say something...

Is it healthier to skip breakfast or just eat a donut?

A Yahoo Health article recently asked this asinine question…in a cover
story, no less.


Where's a trusty Registered Dietician (RDN) when you need one?

(Dietician? Did I even spell that, correctly?)

Enter Lindsey Joe, RDN.

She tells Yahoo News that "It's better to eat something than nothing in the
morning. Our bodies are similar to cars—if we don't have any gas in the
tank, performing even the simplest of tasks becomes exhausting and
stressful on the body.

Uhhh no…that's ludicrous.

Like you can't wait until lunch?

Otherwise, the "simplest" task - like doing an adult coloring book - is going
to become exhausting? Better grab that f@#$ing donut like it's a winning
lottery ticket, before famine sets in!

The human body is NOT like a car. A donut, as surprising as this might
be, is not fuel for your body.

Your body uses healthy fats and glucose for fuel, not sucrose
(derived from a donut)…

Since I'd rather be doing nothing else other than making idiotic
comparisons in my free time, lets compare donut eating vs nothing

Here we go.

Eat nothing for breakfast, your body goes into fat storing mode. It burns
glucose for fuel and stuffs fat into your belly…It's in survival mode. It thinks
there's no food in the world around it…Do it often and you will see this
register on a blood test as high blood sugar…The body makes sugar to
send to the muscle cell for energy. Meanwhile, fats are siphoned off for

Do it habitually, you get fat.

Would this happen to me if I decided to skip breakfast tomorrow?

No. My hormones aren't stupid. I have hormone intelligence - as taught
in my Stop Eating So F@#$ing Much Diet. Therefore, my metabolism
wouldn't skip a beat…

Lunch would arrive, everything would correct itself metabolically.

Meanwhile, I'd still be able to do an adult coloring book, fly my plane and
choke a Registered Dietician simultaneously. My hunger wouldn't deter

Eat a donut for breakfast, your body goes into fat storing mode, too. But
that's not all. You also risk a sugar addiction courtesy of sucrose.
To remove the white powder from your body, insulin is released. This
lowers testosterone, causes muscles to atrophy and lead to fatigue
and depression - even if just for an afternoon, starting at about 2pm. Sugar
also damages your liver

Would this happen to me if I decided to eat a donut tomorrow?

No. It's all cumulative.

But, if you have to choose between eating nothing or
eating crap...well, nothing would be the smarter choice.

Are we really having this conversation?

Another so-called "expert" says: "While a donut isn't the ideal fuel for
your body, it will at least jump-start your metabolism, helping your body
and brain get moving. If you eat nothing, chances are you will feel tired,
sluggish, and have low energy throughout your morning."

So too will cocaine.

(But, since when does sugar jump-start your metabolism?)

Eating garbage doesn't help your body…no matter what time of day it is
or how hungry you are, or convenient a trip to Dunkin'
Donuts is.

Fawk…We are having this conversation.

Just goes to show you...any jacka$s can be an "expert" on Yahoo or even
the internet these days. Just feed the masses convenient lies in place of
inconvenient truths. Cater to the dumbest common denominator.

So, what's for breakfast?

My breakfast takes like 5 minutes, max. It's one scoop of Whey Advanced (, raw milk (water works, too), two raw eggs,
and an avocado on the side. I'll chase that with and
I'm ready to attack the day.

Oh, and if you're serious about getting your hormones strong enough to
choke stupid people while flying planes, read The Stop Eating So F#@%ing
Much Diet book and start following the 6 simple habits.

Get both at

There's even a chapter on meal planning, including a list of People's
Chemist-approved breakfast choices. You'll get more out of reading it than
wasting time reading Yahoo News…Sorry morons, no pictures.

Here's to being less idiotic about breakfast,

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Let me repeat, my diet book does not have pictures. There are words,
strewn together to make sentences and paragraphs…You not only have to
read, but you also have to conceptualize a few new ideas - 6 to be exact.
Live life in slow lane, with adult coloring books? Probably not for you.