Subject: ~Don't Eat This For Breakfast

Don't eat cereal for breakfast...or store bought milk.

Using their combined research and technology, Big Food, Big Chemical, and
Big Pharma have ensured that our food supply - anything served in a box,
package or from a window - nourishes no one.

And cereal, with its huge profit margins, is no exception.

The Big Three have used marketing labels such as "fortified," "enriched,"
"natural," and even "organic" to get people hooked on junk cereals. Many of
these terms are code for genetically engineered, top-secret chemical
additives designed to make users crave MORE of those fake foods.

In my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, I called them
Pharmafoods for their ability to elicit massive side-effects.

When you eat cereal, your hormones get held hostage by a deluge of food
chemicals disguised as natural flavors and vitamins. The result is dwindling
health and longevity.

Once chemical additives are ingested — courtesy of "fortified" products
— thyroid and many other hormonal systems that regulate metabolism and
longevity are thrown out of whack.

Why is our food supply poisoned?

In 1996 the FDA mandated that grain-based foods such as bread and
cereal, be fortified with folic acid and more. Folic acid is a cheap
counterfeit isolate of the naturally occurring "folate."

Like a drunk Elvis impersonator, folic acid tries to impersonate a healthy
nutrient (folate)…but fails miserably.

Known to chemists as pteroylglutamic acid monoglutamate, the drug folic
acid is one of the best-selling scams infiltrating the food supply today.
It's made its way into cereal products, and even multi-vitamins and
prenatals. (So even before they're born, growing fetuses are getting
slammed by folic acid swallowed by their pregnant mothers!)

The only thing missing from most cereal boxes is a "black box warning,"
because the side effects of folic acid are staggering.

Today, an estimated 274 million people are being exposed to folic acid. Few
realize the dangers of swallowing this counterfeit. Folic acid has proven
to have adverse effects. According to the FDA, "no long term studies exist
to evaluate the risks associated with prolonged use."

The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening trial
linked folic acid intake with 20% to 32% increased risk of breast cancer.

Almost all cereals are chock full of folic acid. Just look at the labels.
(You'll also find synthetic Vitamin D lurking, plus a long list of
preservatives, artificial flavors and colors…all of which are the recipe
for declining health.)

Here are some of the top offenders:

- Kellogg's Frosted Fakes (excuse me, FLAKES)
- Kellogg's Raisin Bran
- General Mills Multi-Grain Cheerios
- Lucky Charms
- Post Shredded Wheat
- Honey Bunches of Oats
- Golden Crisp

…All of these are a chemical shit storm loaded with fake vitamins
(including folic acid), just waiting to destroy your insides.

(Get the facts on fake vitamins here:

Cereal, juice, sugar-fortified coffee, beer, candy, and soda manufacturers
have all built empires around destroying people's hormones. All they had to
do was slap a cute name, logo, and cartoon image on the package for it to
be sold.

Nobody needs cereal. Nobody needs folic acid.

What the human body needs is the naturally occurring FOLATE. Folate
encompasses many naturally occurring chemical cousins – called isomers
– which play a wide range of positive roles in the body.

Folate is derived from nature, but that's a blend of at least four
different compounds from leafy vegetables and brewers yeast.

If the fake folic acid in cereal doesn't get you…the sugar and grain

Even the organic Kashi cereal is an offender - one serving serves a
whopping 9 grams of sugar in the Cinnamon Harvest cereal — that's like
eating a bowl of diabetes every morning. Doesn't matter if it's "organic."

Luckily, there's an easy solution:

Ditch the cereal. Toss the bagels and bread in the trash. If it says
"Fortified" or "Enriched"…run!

If you're a grown adult, you have no legitimate reason to be eating
"cereal" for breakfast. Hell, kids shouldn't be allowed near that stuff,

Eat a real breakfast: McCann's Steel Cut Oatmeal (make night before and
let sit for morning) with butter, cinnamon and blueberries, eggs any style,
Whey Advanced, raw milk, and Daily Dose (

For the real movers and shakers, try my "power breakfast":

- 16 oz purified water
- 2 raw eggs
- 1.5 scoops Whey Advanced (
- 1 scoop spirulina

Mix it all together, and you've got more beneficial nutrients in 1 serving,
than all the "fortified" shit cereals on the planet combined.

If you're serious about Living Young, climbing tall buildings and killing a
man with your bare hands, you can add two tablespoons of Brewer's Yeast
(packed with naturally occurring folate).

Ditch the cereal,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Most, if not all popular breakfast cereals are "fortified" with fake,
synthetic vitamins (such as folic acid and vitamin D) that ruin health.
These are not real vitamins — they're drugs in disguise. Ditch the

For a healthier breakfast, try Whey Advanced -

Get the facts on fake vitamins at