Subject: ~Does this hawthorn pill really work? (Fuel Problems in Plane?)


I still have to unpack my snorkel and fishing gear...We also had water,
clothes and wet suits. My plane was packed full. So when
I left Arizona to fly the Baja, I fueled up just enough to reach San Felipe.

The rule is to always land with a 45 minute reserve. We did that.

Our arrival was met with a perfect, full stall landing. I asked the tower if
I could park near the fuel pumps.

"Sorry Mooney, there is no fuel."

"When are you getting more?" I asked impatiently.

If there's no fuel, we are stuck...

"Possibly three days Mooney..."

My blood boiled.

San Felipe is NOT where I wanted to spend a week.

I started to think of a plan...Mexicali was 45 minutes north. They had fuel.
But I only had 45 minutes of fuel left.

But, since I always err on the side of caution, perhaps there's 5 gallons
(3 minutes of flying time) left in the other wing that I could transfer.

My son busted out his all-purpose tool, I hunted down a clean gas can.

Placed under the wing, I opened my fuel sump...An estimated 5 gallons
poured out into my canister. Nothing more, nothing less.

I asked a fellow pilot, "Does it look like 5 gallons to you, too?

"Easy," he replied.

I added the precious fuel to my fullest tank.

If winds were right, we officially could make it to Mexicali and free
ourselves from the desolation of San Felipe.

Blair knew the plan. If we didn't have a headwind, we could make it.
However, if winds were strong, we'd have to turn back. (He's all too
familiar with the variables that come with flying...)

At my calculated decision point, everything looked great. Winds weren't
too strong.

We made it to Mexicali! And that meant more fuel for us to make it 500
miles south to Loreto! (That's one hell of a leg!)

Knowing I was going high and far, I popped 4 of my hawthorn-based
supplements, Cardio FX. It always increases my oxygen uptake and
lowers blood pressure without the side effects from meds like reduced
reaction time, lethargy and poor focus.

I felt like a million bucks departing Mexicali...and the 500 miles went
by in 3.5 hours. We landed safe and sound. Blair and I headed out for

I'm not the only one using Cardio FX to enhance my life. I just got this
email from a fan:

"I cannot thank and praise The People's Chemist (Shane) enough for my life
change of energy, vitality and just joy in being alive again since I have
removed all prescription drugs from my system and take many of Shane's
natural God given cures and treatments!! I'm working again for my husbands
tax and accounting business during the busiest time of the year and having
a blast and energy! Even after working everyday I come home and work out on
my Gazelle at least 30 minutes everyday!! I've lost close to 40 lbs and at
least 42 inches off my body just from no BP poison in my body!! Thank you
again!!" - Paula, 66 years young

Way to go Paula! I know exactly how you feel!

Anyone who wants to max out their energy and zest for life needs to ditch
the meds and take Cardio FX. See

Cardio FX is the most potent cardiovascular cure for anyone who wants
to optimize their health, life and longevity:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. When we filled up in Mexicali, my calculations showed that the
5 gallons we eye-balled was actually 5.4 gallons!:)