Subject: ~Does it really stop joint pain?

Real quick, iIm getting hammered with emails asking me if Joint FX
"really works."

Yes, Joint FX absolutely works!

I designed it over a decade ago and have watched it help tens of thousands
of people...

In response to my earlier email about a fan saying no to knee surgery
thanks to Joint FX, retiree , Judie in Arizona, emailed me her experience:

"Yes! I can tell you Joint FX works wonders. For over 20 yrs I've had worn
down cartilage and was told I'd need knee replacements. I knew there was a
better way, just had to wait for Shane come along with Joint FX. That
stuff is so powerful it even takes care of an occasional bout of bursitis
in the shoulder. Today I am pain free. I might not be able to run but I
function just fine and am in no pain at all. Thank you, Shane for everything
you do for those of us who need help! And the education we get from you
is priceless."

Look, Joint FX replaces all the OTC pain meds like Tylenol
and Ibuprofen, which are horrible on your kidneys and liver...and in many
cases, it replaces knee surgery!

It works so well because it activates your own healing hormones!

Get it at

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Save 15% when you buy a 3-pack at