Subject: ~Does Your Sleep Pill Really Work?

At The People's Chemist, every botanical medicine is made to yield
a positive, measurable result.

After almost 30 years of studying vitamins, supplements and medications
as a pharmaceutical chemist, my track record has gotten pretty good.

Take my deep-sleep pill, Serotonin FX, for instance.

It works!

And you can measure it courtesy of more REM sleep!

I just received this from a fan.

"OMG.....this is the BEST sleep aid that I've ever taken and will only take
for the rest of my life.  I tell every body that will listen about how great
Serotonin FX is and how they can benefit and live young by using all
of your products."

"I'm a 23 year recovering drug addict and alcoholic and I have to be
extremely careful using prescription medication Ambien and such."

"So when I found Serotonin FX, I was not only impressed, but grateful that there
are no side effects.  And I get the best sleep ever and dream too. I wake
up refreshed and ready to hit the ground running."

"Shane you R-O-C-K.....and I'm a fan and walking advertisement for life!
Thanks for giving a shit about you, your family, and mine lives!"

Ultimately, Serotonin FX is a sport supplement.

Sleep deeper and your cravings stop and your energy shoots up.

Serotonin FX is also anti-depressant!

Psychology today recently wrote, "It has been known for some time that
there is a strong relation between sleep and depression."

More sleep, better recovery, less depression.

Put Serotonin FX to work for you at

All of my creations have a great track record thanks to purity and potency.

Most every pill on the market lacks both.

This was confirmed recently by yet another study in The Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA).

They found that only 52% of sport supplements contained the ingredient listed
on the label.

Another 39% contained an unapproved drug!

Even worse…“25% of products contained substances not listed on the
label, 9% did not contain an active substance, and 59% contained substance
amounts that differed from the label.”

This is known as “a disaster in quality control.”

As The People’s Chemist, I’ve built my entire business around quality
control (QC). Some say I’m “obsessed” with it.

I am.

Every botanical I use to make my creations is tested for synthetics
and guaranteed to be free of heavy metals and pesticides as well
as viral and bacterial contamination.

Even better, every botanical we pull from nature is tested for HIGH amounts
of its' full-spectrum active ingredients.

That's what sets us a part.

Every batch of valerian that goes into Serotonin FX is tested for valerenic
acids...then I use my chemistry background to extract it and increase the

It's the strongest sleep pill on the market!

Start getting deep sleep now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you’re looking to safely build muscle, burn fat, and enhance
performance, add Whey Advanced and Raw-T (for more testosterone)
to your order at