Subject: ~Does Your Multi-Vitamin Do This? Facebook Friend Speaks Out!

Does your multi-vitamin do this?

My daughter is now 12 years old and has latched on to the Internet and its’ stream of information. Scrolling through my site, she better understands what I do for a living...Aside from using cuss words to fight a deadly status quo, she better understands that natural medicine is our best weapon against a life of declining health.

Historically, nature has given us our best healers. White willow bark spawned the discovery of aspirin and is nature’s best anti-inflammatory. Careful application of snake venom has helped us control blood pressure. And the poppy gave birth to novel pain medications that have become our best ally in times of emergency.

More than any other time in history, our combined knowledge of nature, medicine and biochemistry are finally able to unlock nature’s most effective cures - guaranteed to increase functional lifespan.

When she asked me, “What should I be taking Papa?” I quickly taught her about Daily Dose.

Daily Dose is a multi-vitamin that does far more than anything sold in stores. Most importantly, it keeps your immune system on guard for cancer and infection. Just recently, a pilot in Haiti and friend emailed me to say this:

“I think your Daily Dose saved me from a bad case of Chikungunya - a viral infection that can lead to fever and even arthritis. The virus has been hitting Haiti pretty hard. It went through our family and my wife was in bed 3-4 days. I could feel something was not right with me, had a fever and slight pain but was still able to fly! All of our other pilots were out with the virus 2-4 days, except myself and one other. He was getting the sore joints and starting to feel bad when one of his passengers gave him some turmeric pills, which I know is in my Daily Dose. 45 min after taking them the pain went away and he never got hit hard with the virus.”

Can your multi-vitamin do that?

No way! ...Unless you’re taking Daily Dose!

In reality, if you're taking anything else, you are pillaging your insides with synthetic vitamins...

Hurry and learn more at

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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