Subject: Does Green Coffee Bean Work to MELT Fat?


Green coffee bean extract has been hailed as America's cure to
obesity. It's not.

I first heard about it 10 years ago.

It's said to work by lowering sugar. But that's absurd. Plenty of medications
lower sugar levels, yet fail to plummet weight.

Blood sugar is only one of many factors required for a healthy metabolism.
You can't rely on it by itself to melt fat...That's why green coffee bean fails.

Worse, it comes with a nasty side effect.

In a recent study it was shown to increase the amounts of an
"artery butcher" known as homocysteine. Not something you want floating
around in your blood if you want to avoid heart disease.

Mainstream medicine is always trying to find cures from nature. And more
often than not, Big Pharma tries to make synthetic copycats.

In fact, "69% of anticancer drugs approved between 1940 and 2002 are either
natural products or developed based on knowledge gained from natural
products," noted Cancer Treatment Reviews.

One such discovery would be a family of naturally occurring molecules
known as "flavones." In 2009, 25 years of research showed that naturally
occurring flavones eradicate cancer cells (are cytotoxic to tumors) while
leaving healthy cells unscathed.

These discoveries are buried in favor of trying to make synthetic counterparts (prescription drugs). Today, cancer doctors are prescribing the counterfeit
under the chemical name "Baicalein," and it comes with horrendous side
effects and huge expense!

Yet, the natural form could be used safely as the first line of defense for
about $10 per month - Solaray provides the cancer fighting flavones under
the name SKULLCAP!

The drug industry thinks you're not smart enough to understand the
inner workings of the pharmaceutical scam - which keeps these natural
cure findings private while hoodwinking you into using dangerous

Another perfect example of this deceit can be seen with "thermogenic aids."
These are proven obesity cures that medical science doesn't want to reveal.
Incredibly, they activate a hormonal cascade that tricks your body into
thinking it's exercising! As a result, fat loss is triggered and lean muscle
growth boosted.

Rather than unleash this secret, Big Pharma is attempting to make a copycat
to sell as a prescription. But they are failing because thousands of naturally
occurring substances are responsible for the miraculous effect. They have
been unable to duplicate this in the lab.

Learn how these natural ingredients grant you your best body and how to start using them at

Live Young Now!

The People's Chemist