Subject: ~Doctors Shocked By True Cinnamon Combo Pill


Yesterday I sent out an email from Pam who wrote about her
success with Cinnergy - my true cinnamon and milk thistle combo pill.

She expressed how happy and relieved she was.

"I just want to let you know how Cinnergy worked for me. I am 71 years old and
according to the doctor I was pre-diabetic with my last blood test."

"I said no thanks to Metformin after reading about the side effects and tried
the Cinnergy instead. I took one per day for two weeks and 1 every 3 days
for the past two weeks."

"Had my blood sugar tested yesterday and it has lowered to 87. I am now
just starting to use Cardio FX and Daily Dose."

I hope you didn't miss that!

In 2 weeks she reversed her grim diagnosis of pre-diabetes!

Then I got flooded with more emails like this one:

"Since I started taking Cinnergy my numbers have been going down. I
have been taking it for 3 weeks and it's just amazing ! I will continue
using Cinnergy and see just how far down my numbers will go. I'm happy
with the results so far....!"

And even more...One user fired his doctor after a successful blood test.

He wrote that, "My doctor's office left multiple messages to come in and
get a prescription for cholesterol lowering meds and metformin. Telemarketers
that wouldn't quit, I ignored them and took Cinnergy for 3 weeks. I went
back for blood work. My blood sugar dropped from 188 to 97 and my
triglycerides were all normal! I think I'm done with doctors...I also
did your free 18 Minute workouts twice per week."

Numbers don't lie!

Cinnergy works because it harnesses the synergistic actions of true
cinnamon and milk thistle to make your body more sensitive to the
hormone insulin! Think of insulin as the sugar taxi. When you're
re-sensitized by Cinnergy, insulin is better able to shuttle sugar out
of the blood and into the muscle, where it is burned for fuel.

Without Cinnergy, sugar floats in the blood. This wreaks havoc in many ways.
Most notably, it scars the arterial walls. It causes triglycerides to form. And
it eats away at brain cells, causing you to lose memory.

End it all with Cinnergy at

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist