Subject: ~Doctor wanted me on insulin...

The People's Chemist
Correction: "Doctor Wanted Me On Insulin...I Never Took It!"
This was emailed to me from a very happy daughter:

"My dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. His A1C...17"

"His blood sugar 330." 

"His doctor was terrified to even let him leave without some insulin." 

"But...he gets your newsletters. And while diabetes was never on his radar, he did remember how strongly you were against insulin." 

"I told him if he is not taking insulin, he is to immediately start taking Cinnergy."

"He took Cinnergy and completely changed his diet to healthy fats as outlined in The Stop Eating So F@#cking Much Diet." 

"In a few month everything was lower and less scary. At his 1 year mark his blood sugar was between 120-140 and his A1C was 7." 

"To this day, zero insulin. He maintains his blood sugar with diet and Cinnergy. It's as if he never even had Diabetes now." 

"Your stuff works!!!"

This email is all to emblematic of today's push to get Type II diabetics on insulin.  This is the worst possible thing someone could do if they are facing high blood sugar and obesity.

Type II diabetes is a disease of too much insulin.  When the pancreas pumps out too much insulin in response to poor diet, muscle cells refuse it.  That means when insulin is released to do its job of transporting sugar out of the blood and into the muscle, muscle cells resist.

That's why they call Type II diabetes "insulin resistance."

The safe and effective way to fix this hormonal deficit is to shock the muscle cells into accepting - not resisting - insulin!  You can do this with my all natural, true cinnamon product, Cinnergy.

Adding more insulin is just tossing jet fuel on the will slowly burn your insides.  

Ditch the insulin!

At the very least, read about Cinnergy's amazing health benefits at 

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Cinnergy has ZERO medication interactions and goes best with!  Save 15% when you buy 3 at

P.P.S. If you're indulging in sweets and alcohol this holiday season, Cinnergy will help protect the liver, while controlling the blood sugar onslaught!  Learn how it works at 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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