Subject: ~Doctor asks fan, "How'd You Lower Your A1C So Fast!?"

Today the average doctor doesn’t know shit about being healthy.

I’ve tried to take the higher road on this but I simply can’t…Doctors
today are clueless about the two biggest threats to their patients health:

1. High blood sugar
2. Prescription drugs

More than half our nation is obese.

More than a third have high blood sugar and will lose 11-20 years from
their lifespan.

Prescription meds like Lipitor, Zocor, Insulin, Metformin,Atenolol,
Warfarin, Tylenol and Aspirin are all top killers in the USA, with The
Journal of the American Medical Association showing prescription drugs
as the #1 cause of death...

Meanwhile, not a single doctor is speaking out.

…Instead, it’s more pills. Proof that most doctors today are wastes of

Want to avoid the onslaught, get a handle on your blood sugar and don’t
fall for the “pre-diabetes” diagnosis that is simply used to get you hooked on

“Pre-diabetes” is the medical world’s latest trick for getting people
hooked on diabetes meds as quickly as possible. It’s where they take
healthy people who have some signs of poor health and conn them into
thinking they are diabetic.

…I’ve see this shit done on 10 year olds!

Don’t fall for the scam.

You can get healthy fast, without meds, like Jimmy, who wrote, “I have
been diagnosed with this stupid ‘pre-diabetes’ for about three years now.
A1C is the test that they go off of to determine this. About a year and half
ago I cut back on white sugar and white flower — not cut out, but cut back.
My A1C was unchanged and still high last June.”

An A1C test measures your blood sugar over that time. It’s better than a
blood glucose test and an insulin tests — both of which are mere
snapshots and don’t give a good indication of what’s happening in your
body one the long run.

What creates favorable results on an A1C test? Lowering your blood sugar!
And sometimes, just cutting out bad foods doesn't work.

That’s because you need to optimize your hormones to RESPOND to the
healthy change…I can hear this whooshing over the heads of doctors now…

Fact is, you need receptors on your muscles responding to the intake of
food. But when you have had a shit diet for so long, those receptors grow
DORMANT. Regardless of the change, they wont respond to the new, healthier

You can brush off the cobwebs of sugar receptors and snap them back to life
with Cinnergy. (

“Three months ago I started taking two Cinnergy capsules a day,” writes
Jimmy. “I stopped taking Lipitor (statin drug) at the same time I started
these supplements. Other than this, I really haven’t changed anything
else. In May my A1C was no longer pre-diabetic.”

Yes! This means no more sales pitches for meds from his doctors…and no
more worrying about Type II diabetes.

“After reviewing my blood work, my doctor asked me what I had done to
reduce my A1C, because — and I quote, ‘I have a lot of patients that
need to do it.’”

Imagine that!…a doctor asking a f&#king patient how they improved their
own A1C test results!

How much does med school cost…they didn't cover this?

The simple fact is that my all-natural cinnamon based product, Cinnergy,
brings the body back to life so it can process and lower blood sugar!

But not all cinnamon products are created equal. You’re looking for
MEDICINAL cinnamon that contains the necessary active compounds to actually
do its job. Don’t settle for cheap knockoffs that contain veggie caps
(hypromellose), maltodextrin, chromium, titanium dioxide, or magnesium

When combined with milk thistle, true cinnamon offers TRUE benefits!

Luckily, both are in Cinnergy.

This is a must-have product if you’re “pre-diabetic,” have type 2
diabetes, or simply want to avoid the threat of diabetes altogether.

Jimmy was so pumped up by his own success story, he sent an email to
members of his family.

“This is not a marketing scheme,” he writes. “I am not selling
anything, I am just trying to live healthy. Yes, Shane has gotten bad
reviews for his cursing and being rude to skeptics. And yes, his products
are more expensive than what can be bought at GNC — but I can relate to
what he says. I think I’d be the same way, because the truth is, the
majority of our society are sheep (Sheeple) and believe anything in a

He’s so right.

Way to go, Jimmy! Way to disassociate yourself from all the dumb
“sheeple”… and be one of the smart ones who are living young and

To ward off diabetes, get control of your blood sugar with

Try it…and if it doesn’t bring you measurable results, just send it

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist