Subject: ~Doctor: "This Adds 10 Years to Life!"


The late Dr. Hardin B. Jones dedicated his life to warning cancer patients
about conventional cancer treatments.

“My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually
live up to four times longer than treated individuals. For a typical type of
cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 1/2 years.
Those who accepted surgery and other kinds of treatment lived an
average of only three years!”

Let that sink in...almost 10 years of life if you do absolutely nothing at all!
Meanwhile, if you let your insurance company usher you through
treatments to enrich your pharmaceutical masters, ten years are cut


It's 5:55am and I suspect people are reading about more important things
like Hillary's emails or what insults Trump has been throwing at her via
social media...Yawn. (How long does this shit go on for? It feels like years!)

Born in 1914 and deceased in 1978, Dr. Hardin's wisdom and research
still lives on. Today, his work is protected and disseminated by
Consuelo Reyes, President of FACT (Foundation for Advancement in
Cancer Therapy).

“To date no one has refuted [Dr. Jones’] findings comparing cancer survival
rates with vs. without conventional treatment. On the contrary, his studies
have been supported by other researchers, as a search of the Science
Citation Index a the Bancroft Library at Berkeley reveals. He was way
ahead of his time and any discussion you can do of his work would be
extremely valuable for the public,” says Consuelo.

The only people refuting Dr. Jones’ findings are the ones profiting from
chemotherapy and radiation. In 2011 cancer drug spending was $107
billion in 2015, up 11.5 percent since 2014 and predicted to be $150
billion by 2020! (This is the government's most profitable sector!)

The greatest thing about science - the observation of reproducible results
- is that it’s timeless. Plants will always produce glucose courtesy of
photosynthesis. Cancer patients who choose conventional treatments will
always die at a faster rate than untreated. And Big Pharma will always
make billions from concealing this cold, hard fact.

Over-the-Counter Natural Cures exposed these truths so patients wouldn’t
be led to the pharmaceutical slaughter. It directly opposes using
conventional cancer therapies at all cost.

Instead, I showed readers how to use nutrient logic to stave off cancer
—all while saving money, too! In a matter of weeks after the book’s
release, success stories started flooding in.

Readers wrote to me to report that they were waking up with younger-
looking, cancer-free skin and resolving never to use cleaning products,
soaps and sunscreens known to cause cancer.

One fan even shared his story on Amazon, writing that he overcame a
potential melanoma tragedy. Using what I’ve dubbed “the $8 cancer
fighter” (curcuminoids), he applied it directly to the threatening areas
of his skin with honey. Over the weeks, he watched melanoma slowly vanish,
along with his concerns about his own longevity.

Nutrient logic also thwarted an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Opening my email,
I sipped my coffee to find a note from another reader who wrote, “Three
months ago I got a CA-125 test for ovarian cancer. It came back with
‘high numbers.’ My doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound ($300–
$1,000) and, depending on what it showed, hinted that I get ready to
“fight cancer.” I told him no and used the protocol in Over-the-Counter
Natural Cures. After three months, and at a cost of about $28, I went for a
retest. My results were “normal!” At the same time, I lost 21 pounds of
fat and now feel 17 years younger... I kicked cancer in the butt the easy
and affordable way. Many thanks.”

Dr. Jones was a rare breed. Sworn to “first do no harm,” he couldn't
ignore the obvious and his expertise wasn't for sale. Telling cancer
patients to say no to cancer drugs, his message can still give patients more
than most doctors today - an extra decade of living young.

Want to avoid cancer all together? Get Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded and follow the new cancer busting protocol at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. ALERT! Between 2010 and 2020, the CDC expects the number of
new cancer cases in the United States to go up about 24% in men to more
than 1 million cases per year, and by about 21% in women to more than
900,000 cases per year:

The best way to cure cancer is to never get it!

For as little as $20 per month you can use my all-natural multi-vitamin
to put a cancer shield around your cells, day in and day out! Daily Dose
delivers a potent blend of turmeric (curcuminoids) and other cancer
fighters so your body can be better prepared to crush cancer! It also
comes with boswellic acids, which are well known for preserving memory
and boosting brain function! Protect yourself at -
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