Subject: Doctor Refused to See Me After This!

The People's Chemist
No More Blood Thinner. Doctor Refused to See Me!
Lynda Spotlight
Your golden years are supposed to be filled with making memories.

For most, its filled with a medication induced haze, lethargy and early death.

Not for this couple!

Lynda just wrote me to say, "In 2010, I had to have another stent placed in my arteries (I had two in 2004)."

"So the doctors put me on blood thinners and blood pressure (B/P) drugs, along with statins. The statins just about killed me. The blood thinners caused huge hematomas in my body. And the B/P meds did nothing to alleviate the atrial fib problem I had."

See the trend? Meds are the problem, not the solution.

Hematomas show up on the skin when blood collects OUTSIDE OF your blood vessels. They look like bruises, and they're a sign of worse things to come.

Lynda bravely stood up for herself.

"I took myself off the blood thinners and statins almost immediately because of all the side effects. Within a few weeks of being off the drugs, the atrial fib problem subsided and the terrible cramping from the statins dissipated," she writes.


Simply DITCHING the meds erased her side effects!

"When the doctor found out what I did, he refused to see me again! Since I believe in the Lord Jesus, I prayed to Him to lead me in my quest to find something that was appropriate for my health needs. About a week later, my brother emailed me with information about The People's Chemist and told me to go to your website, which I did immediately."

(Thank you Lynda's brother!)

I'm not surprised by how her doctor reacted…people in the medical profession seem to get outraged whenever their patients do something truly healthy for themselves…like ditching the meds.

"With our family's heart health issues, I knew I needed to find something to replace the Big Pharma drugs. I ordered Cardio FX to start me in the right direction," she writes.

Cardio FX ( is my natural heart supplement designed to safely lower blood pressure. It floods the entire cardiovascular system with beneficial nutrients, courtesy of Mother Nature, to ensure that your heart stays strong. (Athletes love Cardio FX, too… 'cause it increases endurance and oxygen uptake!)

"After a few months, my B/P was normal and since that time, I have experienced NO atrial fibulation. I was thrilled!"

This is great news, Lynda. Way to live young!

She didn't stop there…

"Along the way, I began to experience pain in my knuckles and in my knees. My friends were going in and having their hips and knees replaced. But I chose to take Joint FX ( instead. I am now pain-free in my knees and experience very little pain in my finger joints."

"I started my husband on Cardio FX to remove him from the B/P meds the doctor had given him to take after his 5 bypass surgery. These meds kept his pressure so low, he could hardly function. Not so with Cardio FX. His B/P is normal! I also have him on Joint FX, which is helping reduce his pain from lupus flare-ups."

This is great! A loving wife, Lynda saved her husband from risky blood pressure meds, thanks to The world needs more wives like this.

She also saved him from joint pain, simply by giving him Joint FX — my natural joint supplement. It soothes joints, while rebuilding the cartilage (i.e., cushion).

Stock up at

If you want to start protecting your heart…try Cardio FX to safely normalize blood pressure, increase oxygen distribution, and nourish your entire cardiovascular system.

Watch the short 1-minute vid:

Both Cardio FX (for total heart health) AND Joint FX (for joint pain) are a winning combination for living young!

And neither of them have any dangerous interaction with meds.

Dare to ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. I'm thrilled to hear that Lynda ditched her meds, and is now living young. While her peers are out getting their hips and knees sliced and diced out of them (courtesy of surgery), Lynda is using Joint FX ( — my natural joint supplement — to eliminate joint pain! Amazing how simple ingredients from Mother Nature go such a long way with no side effects!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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