Subject: ~Doctor Can't Believe Effects of Hawthorn (FREE Shipping!)

If you're lucky enough to survive a heart attack, most doctors are
going to give you a fistful and prescriptions and send you on your
merry way...

Not Scott…he refused the meds!

“On Dec 24th, 2014 I had a heart attack in the outbacks of northern
Nevada. I was life-flighted to a nearby university and received 2 stents. I
was prescribed the usual meds like every other survivor that goes through
the cardiac cattle call,” he writes.

“Cardiac cattle call” is accurate!

That would be the point at which most people give up, as per “One Nation
Under Meds”…

Instead, Scott used hawthorn as described in 3 Worst Meds.

“Here it is 4 years later, and I’d been taking your hawthorn-rich CardioFX
( and Daily Dose ( for almost a
year after weaning myself off the scripts,” he writes.

Wise choice, Scott!

Cardio FX is loaded with four simple ingredients that strengthen the
cardiovascular system.

Hawthorn, grape seed extract, magnesium citrate, and garlic powder…are
known to increase oxygen flow and distribution throughout the body.
Together, they work to bust unruly clots, safely lower blood pressure, and
protect the heart from all threats.

These ingredients come straight from Mother Nature. Unlike meds, there are

Cardio FX is so powerful that Big Pharma is working hard to make sure you
never know about it!!!

What were Scott’s results from using Cardio FX?

“Yesterday I had a follow up with my general practitioner. She couldn’t
believe my blood pressure results! (122/76). She said it four times before
I told and showed her what I’d been taking. She read the ingredients and
said, ‘Well there’s nothing wrong with that.’ I think there’s
everything ‘right’ with it.”

“I don’t always take the best care of myself…but I was on top of the
world as I walked out of that building. I just couldn’t wait to tell my
family, my friends and you. And to say thank you.”

Glad this story had a happy ending!

It’s not too late to protect your heart.

Use Cardio FX to arm yourself against heart attack, stroke, high blood
pressure, and more.

Stock up now and get FREE shipping!

Watch your health, energy and memory springboard back to life!

Time to ditch the meds!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Want to wow your doctor? Use Cardio FX and get back to full heath.

This natural pill safely lowers blood pressure…and protects the heart
from all threats.

Order 3 bottles of Cardio FX and you’ll save 15% off your order! And I'll ship
for FREE!