Subject: ~Doctor Calls It "The New Aspirin!"

My new short film on Aspirin is garnering a lot of comments...

Things like, "you're a quack," and "Why would anyone listen to you,
you're not a doctor!" are the norm.

Surely, these are from people who don't even know how to
spell "chemist."

As a medicinal chemist, I've been designing medicine for more than
15 years...if aspirin were to hit the market today, it'd never make

Did you know that?

Aspirin wasn't even FDA approved.

It was grandfathered in!

There's a new, safer aspirin.

One medical doctor emailed to say, "Your hawthorn-rich Cardio FX is
our new aspirin!"

Another fan sent this:

"Well last Friday my doctor sent me for a state of the art photo of my
heart and arteries. The test tells you how much calcification is in your
arteries and gives you a number up to the thousands. My results came in and
I have ZERO calcification, absolutely none. I’m in the zero percentage
for my age out of all the thousands they have checked. I’m diabetic so
this is more than important to me. Diabetes and heart problems go hand in
hand. I use Cardio FX and Cinnergy and the daily dose and immunity FX when
needed and Joint FX everyday. I’m just lucky I found the Peoples Chemist.
My doctors answer for everything is to whip out the prescription pad. I
don’t even take Tylenol..."

Start protecting your heart at

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Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist