Subject: ~Do You Suffer from 'ELS?'

Your high blood sugar is big business.

And, while it’s none of my business what your blood sugar is, I feel a
sense of responsibility as a chemist to warn you against sugar lowering

“New technologies for [Type II] diabetes treatment are becoming essential
for those who suffer from the disease, according to J.P. Morgan, and that
could make companies such as Dexcom compelling investment opportunities.”

“Who is Dexcom?”

Good question, astute reader!

Dexcom created a device that measures blood sugar, without the need for a
finger prick.

Think about that.

Have we become so fat and weak that a finger prick is now too much to

Yes, we have.

Speaking of being fat and weak, I thought I'd take this opportunity to
say we've also reached the point where mentally and emotionally
immature adults (little more than children themselves) are bearing and
raising their own children to follow their bad habits...

Then I thought about all the “soft” people who’d get offended by such
a rant.

…And knew it was the perfect opportunity!

Basic parenting skills have vanished from the gene pool. Apps, social
media, and “candy crush” games are now doing all the parenting.
Schools are playing “nobody’s out dodgeball” and preparing kids to
become Amazon robots - ready to package toothbrushes and underwear for
Prime shipping. Once diabetic, like their parents, their insurance will
hook them on meds, too.

Experts say today's children will lose 11-20 years from their lifespan,
due to bad habits being passed on from their sugar addicted parents.

The solution is just better sugar monitoring!

Why not stop obsessing over your blood sugar and just cure Type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes is an ELS (“eating-like-sh#t”) disease.

When you ELS, you raise your blood sugar (i.e., the amount of sugar
floating in your blood).

That’s bad.

Sugar is poison.

To sweep it out of your blood, the body produces insulin.

Over time, too much insulin causes your insulin receptors to get jammed.

The body is no longer able to remove glucose. You start seeing a rise
after you do that oh-so-painful finger prick.

Technically, this is called insulin resistance.

At this point, blood sugar is no longer shuttled into the muscle cells. It
starts combining with fats and hemoglobin. You see this as higher
triglycerides and A1C. Ultimately, your insides are rusting.

Conventional medical wisdom says to pump the body with MORE insulin.

But insulin is the WORST medication for Type II diabetes.

Insulin is the “fat-storing” hormone — which means too much of it
will cause you to balloon up to whale size. (It’s also known as the “I
can’t bear to look at myself naked in the mirror” hormone.)

Pumping more insulin into your body isn’t going to solve
anything…it’ll just make you fatter and sicker over time!

The real key to crushing diabetes is to increase your sensitivity to

You can do that in 3 simple steps:

1. Start using Cinnergy (, Daily Dose
and Whey Advanced (
2. Use my FREE 18 Minute Workout App every other day
3. Drink 16-24 ounces of purified water EVERY morning upon waking up

Watch your sugar plummet in 17 days!

I created Cinnergy ( to detox the blood of excess

And since so many people are ELS (eating like shit), they also need a liver

So, I added a very potent extract of milk thistle to Cinnergy!

Why tolerate diabetes?

Especially when there’s a simple way to lower blood sugar naturally —
without drugs, insulin, or wacky devices.

(Maybe someday they’ll make a device that punches you in the face every
time you ELS!)

When you lower your blood sugar and avoid diabetes naturally, you’re no
longer a “cash cow” for anyone — drug makers, technology inventors,
or investors.

You free yourself from being manipulated and taken advantage of.

(If you’re content on being someone’s cash cow, just delete this email
without changing anything!)

Otherwise, start these 3 simple steps:

1. Start using Cinnergy (, Daily Dose
and Whey Advanced (
2. Use my FREE 18 Minute Workout App every other day
3. Drink 16-24 ounces of purified water EVERY morning upon waking up

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. High blood sugar ravages your health! Cinnergy safely lowers blood
sugar (see It a revives age-decaying cells and
maximizes “hormonal intelligence,” thereby warding off all the
complications that come with high sugar levels like excess wrinkles, age
spots, lack of energy, poor sleep, depression, heart disease, cancer, and
anything else you could probably imagine that could ruin your life.

P.P.S. If you’re a type II diabetic and trying to master your blood sugar
levels and hormones, start by taking 2 capsules of Cinnergy a half hour
before breakfast and 16-24ouces ounces of water. Watch the magic!

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