Subject: ~Disaster in the soap lab


I started tutoring chemistry my sophomore year in college. That
eventually parlayed into teaching organic chemistry in graduate school.

The biggest lesson I learned was that most people cannot follow

Teach someone how to "kill two birds with one stone" and most will
end up getting two birds stoned and killing them.

My daughter Lily learned this much sooner than I did.

Her chemical-free, soap biz ( has grown faster
than school, track and college applications allows for. So she brought in
some friends to make soap.

I saw disaster coming...

Among the three that tried, one didn't know how to use a scale. The
other one had never washed a dish...and the third one couldn't put
down the phone long enough to stir the soap to light trace.

Chaos ensued...after all three trials, she ended up with a slick, fatty mess
that took hours to clean up...Money and time down the drain.

The art of soap making is a tedious task that is only done by those who
can follow directions. So, Lily lost sleep and started back in the lab to
put out the luxury bars that she has become so well known for.

And so goes the story of life and success.

You have to learn how to follow directions.

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