Subject: ~Did Lily Lose Strength from Losing 10lbs? (Pic!)

Did Lily Lose Strength with Losing 10 lbs?
Here's Lily performing her final lift on Saturday to qualify for
Olympic Lifting Jr. Nationals. It didn't go so well.

You get 3 tries to perform a failed lift.  After that, you're out.

She had a few minutes to rest, recover and think about how
to improve.

Last year she qualified for nationals and ended up in 15th place.  Her goal this year is to make it to nationals and place top 5, an extraordinary feat.

But first she has to qualify by winning her weight class for the region.

Athletics are a top priority in our family. Not for the winning, but for the learning. You can't buy success in sports. You can't fake it either. And you can't rely on other people. Especially among individual sports like weightlifting and wrestling. 

No quitting allowed, Lily stepped back out on stage.  The timer was set and the judges signaled that they were ready for her.  Like when she had to optimize her weight to be super light but damn strong, I reminded her what the great Jack Lalanne taught, "Remember this: your body is your slave; it works for you.”

The weight stayed the same, but the results different.  After the results were tallied, she won first place in her weight class (116lbs) and even won the weight class above her!

She's going to US Olympic Nationals in June!

Compared to last year, she increased her strength by 10%.  
But she also DROPPED down a weight class during that same time - 12 lbs. She successfully lost fat while gaining muscle. This is "hormone intelligence," in short.  It's the same intelligence that increases lifespan, reverses diabetes, protects against cancer, cures diabetes and so much more!

You've seen pictures of Roy and Katrina and many others who've used the science to save them from Type-II diabetes.  Just last week a fan emailed to say he lost 160lbs!!!  That story will be coming soon.

In sum, it forces your body to optimize its hormone balance, output and sensitivity...something no other program in the work can do!

Make your body work for you!  Get started now at

At the very least READ about how the program works to see if you're a candidate:

Master your hormones!

The People's Chemist 
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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