Subject: Did Lance Cheat a Drug Test?

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

How Could Lance Cheat a Drug Test?

The only thing exciting about cycling is the doping scandal. Better than watching grown men pedal up a hill is watching how he cheats a drug test.

Is it ethical?

Who cares.

We’re talking about cyclists - skinny men in lycra. Who is paying attention?

I’d rather watch paint dry.

Fact is, they’re all doping. The guy who wins is just a better athlete, and doper. But, is it really worth risking your life to prove that you can ride a bike faster?

There are all kinds of different ways to dope your blood - the practice of boosting the number of oxygen-carrying, red blood cells in the bloodstream in order to enhance athletic performance.

All of them are risky.

But one way in particular underscores the incredible ability of your body to produce it’s own “medicine,” whether its sport medicine or even medicine that fights off obesity, heart disease, Type II diabetes and even cancer.

In their pursuit of soldiers with ultra-endurance and strength, the US military learned how to spike strength and endurance hormones in record time by tapping into our body’s own “internal pharmacy.”

Through trial and error they found that cadets who trained at high altitude performed far better when they got back to sea level. The effect was magnified using a diet enhanced with naturally occurring amino acids, iron, vitamin B12, folate and minerals such as zinc, copper, vitamin A, B-complex, thermogenic aids (compounds that activate fat metabolism) and vitamin C.

Upon blood analysis, it was discovered that the performance enhancing effect was the result of a special family of cells that utilized these nutrients to manufacture hormones like hGH, testosterone, glucagon and an oxygen carrying compound known as hemoglobin. They learned that the high elevation and nutritional fortification forced the cadet’s bodies to adapt by improving their “hormone intelligence.”

The blood of the training soldiers was so rich in these adaptive hormones that medical teams were able to extract it, store it and then re-inject it later to maximize performance on the battlefield! As higher levels of testosterone, growth hormone, glucagon and hemoglobin surged through their blood, soldiers instantly attained keen focus as well as greater strength and endurance, which led to much better survival rates overall.

But that’s not all...

Their lean body mass was also drastically increased, as body fat plummeted and functional muscle was added. Hearts were strengthened and the cardio- vascular system worked more efficiently (as measured by a lower resting heart rate). Metabolism was super-charged too with anabolic hormones that decreased appetite and forced their body to make better use of nutrients.

These outcomes led to the making of elite soldiers and ultimately became a top-secret technique known as “blood loading.” When done under the keen supervision of doctors, it showed to be safer and more effective than man- made drugs used in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and even so-called Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).

While negative side effects of blood loading are possible, the technique highlights the fact that the real source of man’s performance-enhancement comes from his own internal pharmacy...And that’s how dopers can “pass” a drug test.

Drug tests that look for foreign substances can’t detect if an athlete is using his naturally occurring “meds” for enhancing athletic performance. They can only measure unnatural substances. Therefore, just because someone states that they, “passed a drug test,” it doesn’t mean they are not cheating. Blood doping is blood doping, and no matter how you do it, it’s against the rules. As a athlete, your job is to play by the rules...

There are more advanced testing techniques that distinguish whether or not an athlete is doping with his own blood....You can measure the age of various hormones and blood cells, which helps officials determine who is doping at race time. Plus, you can look at the fraction of hormone levels compared to volume of blood. But that’s beside the point.

The point here is that the body, when put under the right conditions, can make it’s own medicine! Under the wrong conditions, it wilts and withers!

Therefore, your body is the only thing that can save you from poor health. That’s what my AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery is designed to do.

Following simple habits, The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery forces your body to optimize hormone output, balance and sensitivity! Technically, it’s “Hormone Intelligence Therapy,” (HIT) and when you undergo the transformation, you burn fat day an night.

There is no diet or drug on the market today that optimizes HIT. That’s why the obesity epidemic is getting worse.

Unless you are a part of the lucky few...For a few dollars per day, you can start training your body to become its own healing pharmacy. Learn more and see the before and after images at

Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at