Subject: Diabetes FAQ

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Dear Shane: I am taking the liberty of mailing you a request for your opinion. It relates to diabetes. I am 76 years old and have had diabetes for about 35 years. In the last three months my doctors tells me that my glucose reading is approx. 250 (normal is about 80-90).

Here is my question. Where does the glucose go when there isn't any insulin to combat the high glucose? Does it go into the muscles, ligaments,bones,etc?


Good question....If you are type II diabetic then you are resistant to insulin...As a result your blood sugar is not transported into your muscles by insulin. It remains in the blood stream. As it sits there it reacts with amino acids and forms AGE products. AGE products cause heart disease, inflammation, Alzheimer's and many other things...If AGE products do not form then glucose is excreted by the urine...It makes urine taste sweet (so I hear). In fact, the word diabetes mellitus means "honey urine."

To prevent high blood sugar and AGE products you need to adhere to certain lifestyle and nutrition habits. In short, do not consume anything sweet, exercise, drink green tea and eat healthy fat like coconut oil. Supplements that have proven extremely valuable are LifeFX and Provantage by HealthFX. The stop inflammation as INCREASE INSULIN SENSITIVITY. This is a company that I founded. Learn more at

In order to reverse the damage of high blood sugar, it can be very advantageous to work with a nutritionist or other health practitioner who is keen to this disorder.

By: Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Health Myths Exposed and
Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs