Subject: ~Dentists fight back against my Immune Cure


I recently sent an email about a close friend who used Immune FX
to stifle a tooth infection, caused by a major crack...

Doctors and dentists went bat shit crazy, claiming I wasn't a dentist
and that I should stay in my field of chemistry.

Hold the fuck on...In my email I never claimed to be a dentist.

(Stop being jealous anyway...that's a female trait.)

I hate dentistry and know nothing about it. There. Is that more clear?

(The toothpaste always tastes like shit. The leather chairs are always
cold. The lights are always bright. It's always painful. And dentists
always oversell on X-rays and other shit you don't usually need. All fact.
You can find a dental hygienist to do the same stuff for half.)

As I stated in the broadcast, I told my almost toothless friend that Immune
FX is worth a shot only because, "you don't have any other options, right now,
since you don't have health insurance and cant afford out-of-pocket."

I was staying in my field of chemistry by giving him something that
could possibly put a smack down to the biological-nasties invading his

After all, that's what Immune FX is designed to do and it's based on
hundreds of years of science, which has been buried by Big Pharma.

Immune FX won't fix a broken tooth or bleach them...but it sure as hell will
help the body heal itself from infection. (Learn more at

And that's the point: The body can heal itself with the right nutrients.

Want to get rid of illness, infection, flu??? Strep? Cough?

Then go here:

I promise, it flat out works like gangbusters because it helps your immune
system become an infection-killing army!

You don't have to be a dentist to know that the body can sometimes heal
itself when you give it the right nutrients!

Let's see...I've broken a finger, an ankle, a collarbone and a shoulder.
I've also torn my minuscus, ACL and MCL. All verified, all the product of
living life in the fast lane.

And guess what?

I healed 100%. (That's thanks to

Never once did I hobble to a fucking doctor for intervention. At times I
crawled around for two days, hobbled on crutches, typed with one hand,
hopped on one foot and even, graciously, accepted help into my car when
I needed to go pick up the kids...But I NEVER went to a doctor.

Why? 'Cause the body can heal when you give it what it needs!

Your body is the best pharmacy.

If my wife can make 4 human beings, my bones and ligaments sure as hell
better know how to renew themselves...and that's exactly what
they have done over the decades of wrestling, mountain biking, fighting,
running and whatever else I do to stay occupied and not lose my shit
on stupid people...

It's the same for infection.

Fight back with

And like I told my friend, if your tooth infection doesn't get better, then
you need to go see a competent dentist! A good one can save your life.
And thank God for that!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Don't you dare give kids antibiotics! Use

P.P.S. In 3 weeks, the price of Immune FX is going up due to the increased
costs in production and quality control that come with this one-of-a-kind
product! Stock up at and save 15% when you buy