Subject: Deadlier Than Ebola Say CDC Stats!

CDC Says This is Killing Americans!
You can't see it with the naked-eye.

It's a threat deadlier than terrorism and plane crashes and Ebola, COMBINED. 

It's called drug-resistant infection - caused by the overuse of antibiotics - and it's sweeping the nation!

Sure, antibiotics are an amazing medical feat. They've saved me and my family from the scourge of pneumonia and MRSA, which are real killers. But taking them unnecessarily is slow suicide.

Few people are privy to this alert and the simple remedy...

I warned of drug-resistant bacteria a decade ago. And since that time, I've watched my warning fall on deaf ears...The zombies continue eating antibiotics for every health scare.

Like the Greek buffoon Heracles trying to shoot the sun with his arrow, far too many people try to secure their health with antibiotics.

Cough. Get antibiotics.

Earache. Get antibiotics.

Get stung by bee. Get antibiotics.

Get the flu. Get antibiotics.

Enough already!  

Bacteria adapt fast.  And when presented with a drug that has one single action - like a fighter who is only good at a right hook - infectious agents quickly build resistance to it.  

This resistance enables them to kill us faster.

Today, more than two million Americans fall victim to drug-resistant infections annually and 23,000 of them die! 

In a recent report, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Tom Friedan, MD, MPH, warned that the, "Overuse of antibiotics has made existing ‘wonder drugs that worked for decades' useless against bacteria that have mutated to resist them.” 

Say Goodbye to Longevity

This is the first time that the CDC has performed a comprehensive analysis of the impact on society from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The implications to family health are jaw dropping.

What used to be a harmless infection from the gym, daycare or local pool can now become a life-threatening illness without remedy.

If our current use of antibiotics continues at this rate, antibiotic resistance will yield current medications useless according to the World Health Organization (WHO) – our longevity would go back to the Stone Age, where every infection was life threatening.

There's a better way!


Fortunately, a ground-breaking, all-natural medicine can boost our immunity.  Since the immune system works in a multitude of ways, not just one, it can attack bacteria and prevent resistance.

(That means no more prescription antibiotics and NO DRUG RESISTANT BIOLOGICAL NASTIES!)

This phenomenal protection has sparked my interest for as long as I can remember.  As a medicinal chemist, I spent years learning how to put our immune system into overdrive, which would not only make us healthier but end our reliance on antibiotics!

That's where my creation, Immune FX, comes into play...It revs up immunity. You don't need antibiotics. When you take Immune FX, you force your body to produce its own, non-toxic antibiotics and antivirals that attack in SEVERAL ways!  The multi-prong attack crushes infection like a sledgehammer smashes an ant. 

The science journal Phytotherapy Research showed how groups taking the active ingredients in Immune FX were able to avoid drugs all-together, publishing that, "The use of standard medication was significantly less in the andrographis [active substance in Immune FX] group than in either the control." 

Even the common cold is prevented!  After an exhaustive study, Phytomedicine found that, "Andrographis [active substance in Immune FX] has a preventive effect against common colds during the winter period."  

Antibiotic medications should never be used as a first line of defense against common illness.  Immune FX is the smarter choice when it comes to living free of infection.  

The lucky run we've had with antibiotics is over and we need to start relying on our own immune system – innate and adaptive immunity. For some, it won't be soon enough! 

WARNING!  Are You At Risk?

Dr. Friedan of the CDC also added that, "many patients will be in the post-antibiotic era. For some organisms and some patients, it's already too late.” Some bacteria have already learned how to "resist all antibiotics, kill a high proportion of people it infects, and spread from person to person.”

As antibiotics become worthless, the only way to secure health is by boosting our own immunity.

Protect Your Family

Immune FX is your safeguard to drug resistant bacteria.  It's the number one way to force your body to make the medicine it needs for longevity.

Stock up now for when you need it most at

It's better than cheap copycats of vitamin C. It replaces the need for synthetic vitamin D. And it doesn't contain any sugary-crap like EmergenC.

Sick or not, keep it on hand for when you need protection the most!

Immune FX is the real deal...Not only is it inexpensive, but also wildly effective.

Secure your order at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist
Shane Ellison, MS
The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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