Subject: ~Dead in 18 Months...

Good morning, Friend!

Just wanted to make sure you got this warning for men...

(Women, make sure you get this for your husband!)

A prescription drug should be your first line of defense against prostate
enlargement, right?

…Not so fast.

Meds are the problem, not the solution.

Simply walking into a doctor’s office puts you at risk for dying.

“Following doctors orders” is the #3 cause of death in the U.S.,
according to John Hopkins researchers.

That means, you’re 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a doctor than

Prostate meds are among the guilty!

Here’s one scenario all too reflective of what’s happening at the doctor’s

“I had a good friend who had a high PSA (5.0). His doctor told him he
had cancer. Sadly, he fell for the entire charade. He had the whole routine
of surgery, chemo, a series of radiation, and then more chemo."

"He was dead in 18 months."

The hospitals made $1.5 million from his insurance company."

"What a nasty racket they and the government and AMA have created!
People need to start suing these quacks, and the Feds, and the AMA,
and the NIH and the rest of these people in this medical scam! I’M very

This is a great reason to stay the hell out of a doctor’s office,
outside of an emergency situation!

Even you aren’t the victim of a “medical scam” — taking prostate
meds, as prescribed by a doctor, can butcher your manhood over time.

Just look at the track record of popular prostate meds.

For example, the drug Proscar (finasteride), manufactured by Merck &
Company, destroys manhood. Swallow this little blue pill, and from there,
it’s all downhill. Within three weeks of starting the medication, you
can expect to experience:

- Constipation (from antibiotics)
- Sore and aching back muscles
- Heart palpitations

After three months, you’ll begin to notice:

- Breast enlargement
- Genital shrinking
- Decreased sexual ability
- Blurred vision
- Cold Like symptoms

Breast enlargement for men???!!! Genital shrinking???


You read that correctly.

Men who take prostate meds slowly morph into a 13-year-old girl,
hormonally, and lose their manhood over time.

Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming increasingly common for millions
of American men after they pass the half-century mark of their lives.

This is total nonsense.

There's a much healthier way to cure your prostate:

The most potent formula of saw palmetto ever developed, it has ZERO
medication interactions or side effects!

I am shipping for FREE!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get off your a$$ and stop giving it to Pharma. Order Palmetto + at - add 3 Worst Meds
to your order, too...I'll ship both of them without ANY shipping fees!!!!