Subject: ~Dead In 18 Months...Don't Let It Happen To You!

There's a deadly scenario that's becoming all too common.

A simple prostate check-up leads to:

1. A diagnosis of either swollen prostate or cancer
2. Meds and/or radiation
3. Then early death

I get emails weekly illustrating the horrific outcome:

"Hello Shane, the prostate cancer scenario that you describe is what has
happened to my brother. I'm on my way today to be at his bedside for his
last few hours. During the last 2 years I emailed links to your website
about the information and supplements but sadly he never followed through."

"I wish he wouldn't have put so much trust in the doctors and cancer
experts. The last round of chemo destroyed his liver. Thank you for
continuing to give us straight forward information about the harm big
Pharma causes."

Prostate screening is a ploy to hook you on meds...

And prostate meds are the last thing you want!

For example, the drug Proscar (finasteride), manufactured by Merck &
Company, destroys manhood. Swallow this little blue pill, and from there,
it’s all downhill. Within three weeks of starting the medication, you
can expect to experience:

- Constipation (from antibiotics)
- Sore and aching back muscles
- Heart palpitations

After three months, you’ll begin to notice:

- Breast enlargement
- Genital shrinking
- Decreased sexual ability
- Blurred vision
- Cold Like symptoms

Breast enlargement for men???!!! Genital shrinking???


You read that correctly.

Men who take prostate meds slowly morph into a 13-year-old girl,
hormonally, and lose their manhood over time.

Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming increasingly common for millions
of American men.

This is total nonsense.

There's a much healthier way to cure your prostate:

The most potent formula of saw palmetto ever developed, it has ZERO
medication interactions or side effects!

I am shipping for FREE for ALL orders over $89!!!!

Save now at

And best of all, there are no RISKY MEDICATION INTERACTIONS!!!!!!

Palmetto Plus is far superior than any saw palmetto you'll find in stores.

That's because it's loaded with 3 super potent botanicals that heal you from
the inside, out. And you won’t find anything else lurking in this pill!

(It doesn’t contain any fillers or additives like chromium, titanium
dioxide or magnesium stearate…)

Here's how each one can help you:

Super Ingredient #1 - Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is the most studied and proven herbal supplements to ever hit
the market! Doctor’s who don’t use it are a huge disservice to their patients!

The extract comes from ripened berries of the saw palmetto shrub. It
contains an abundance of fatty acids and phytosterols, particularly

Beta-sitosterol is well known for its beneficial effects on BPH, as an
antioxidant, and as a cancer-preventing botanical. It is also found in
avocados, cashews, wolfberries, and rice bran.

As a natural diuretic, saw palmetto increases urine flow to prevent the
late night hassles…

The popularity of saw palmetto is also due to its proven safety and
tolerability. It has a remarkably benign side effect profile and is
virtually free of the harmful effects on sexual function that are commonly
observed with medications.

Long-term use of saw palmetto has no adverse effects, whatsoever.
It’s all benefit, no risk!

Super Ingredient #2 - Pygeum

The second potent ingredient in Palmetto+ is pygeum, an extract that comes
from the bark of the African plum tree.

It contains nature’s most potent anti-inflammatories – phytochemicals
known as pentacylic triterpenoids. These acids increase the strength of
the small veins and capillaries in the prostate, allowing for increased
blood flow and the elimination of toxins.

Super Ingredient #3 - Ginseng (a Brain Booster)

The third ingredient in Palmetto+ is ginseng. It’s a natural boost in
physical and mental energy while also potentiating saw palmetto and pygeum.
If I added any additional, unnecessary ingredients to this formula, it
would have lost its medicinal effect.

I am shipping Palmetto Plus FREE for ALL orders over $89!!!!

Save now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get off your a$$ and stop giving it to Pharma. Order Palmetto + at - add 3 Worst Meds
to your order, too...I'll ship all orders over $89 for FREE, TODAY!