Subject: ~Daughter Gets 86-Yr-Old Mom OFF Meds for This!


Age is a gift. but with so many people being prescribed drugs, it's
often stolen from us! ...we can thank insurance for this.

Being insured or "covered by government" is now synonymous with being
taken advantage of. Insured, the elderly are nothing more than warm
bodies of profit for the medical community. The more drugs they get put
on, the bigger the flow of money from insurer to Big Pharma.

Pluck your average 80-year-old out of the population, and chances are
they're taking 5 or 6 different meds…probably all of which they don't
even need, as proven in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

Who is going to protect the elderly?

People like Lynette, that's who!

"I recently went home for Mother's Day and saw my 86-year-mom short of
breath and sleeping every minute."

"I looked at her medical prescription drugs and saw that those A-holes had
given my mom three different types of medicine for shortness of breath and
inflammation on her lungs."

That's what I call "Dartboard Medicine."

It's where doctors throw various medications at patients, as if they were a
dartboard…hoping one will stick. Meanwhile, the true root causes of
health conditions are never investigated.

That's not real medicine…that's fake, lazy medicine, courtesy of a
medical community that doesn't give a shit about our elderly. If street
dealers worked like this, the mafia would be tossing them into nearby

"Immediately, I trashed those drugs," says Lynette. "I ordered YOUR CARDIO
FX (, called my mom today (three days later) —
and she told me already she is feeling better."

Ah, thank God! A daughter who cares. Finally, I have some hope left for

"I even ordered your IMMUNE FX ( because
of her allergies," Lynette adds.

"Guest what? Immediately the inflammation came up and now, the
coughing/sneezing has stopped."

Trashing prescription drugs is one of the healthiest things a person can

"Shane, you are the best of the best," Lynette writes. "Keep on sounding
the alarm to alert the American people and let them know why they're dying
like flies every single day, especially the elderly. I can't thank you
enough for your tenacity for keeping us informed about what these drugs
companies are doing to the PEOPLE. THANKS A MILLION!"

Way to fight back, Lynette. Tell your mom I said hi.

And for those who want to protect themselves and their elderly loved ones
against the medical industry's lame "Dartboard Medicine" — make sure to
read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition

This book exposes the truth that drug makers don't want you to know. It
lists safe supplements you can take for virtually any health condition.

Order your copy at:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Who will stick up for our elderly now being over-medicated to death?
It's courageous people like Lynette who are the rare few, standing up for
those who can't. Don't just let your elderly loved ones choke down deadly
prescription drugs… read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded
( and learn how to safely wean off all meds. You'll
thank me later!