Subject: Daraprim Scandal: Price Jump from $13.50 to $750 Overnight!


I was too busy to comment on the Daraprim price hike...

But it seems that Wall Street successfully made billions from
a very cheap and old drug...Like recycling a pair of old underwear
and selling it at Nordstroms.

Used for about 62 years, Daraprim is commonly prescribed for cancer
patients and other immune-compromised people who've contracted a
parasitic infection known as toxoplasmosis.

Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, is the new official owner of
Daraprim. He's a Wall Street business geek who knows nothing about
medicine, just dollars and cents…

He's the proverbial spoiled brat type who prolly carried a skateboard
to high school, only to brag that he rode it..

First thing Shkreli did after purchasing the rights to Daraprim was change
the price from $13.50 per pill to $750 overnight.

That's a 5500% increase in cost.

The value of the drug didn't change…just the cost.

A year's worth of treatment is now $336,000, instead of the typcial

Wall Street wins again, patients lose.

Shkreli is not a doctor…he's a f&$@ing hedge fund manager working on
Wall Street for Gawds sake! But now he can buy another private jet.

…His actions are merely indicative of a larger problem: that millions
of people silently allow this kind of thing to happen all the time.

Celebrex, Lipitor, Coumadin, Paxil....

All of your drugs are overpriced. All of your medical bills are inflated.

And, you're being over-treated and drugged to death in the name of
Wall Street. It's about business not health.

That's why you can get off virtually all of your drugs and live longer, better.

While everyone's flipping out over the scandal, protesting,
tweeting about it on their iPhones while chugging lattes… the bigger

...and no one gives a shit. People still brag about their pills and what
their doctor, "put them on."

Grow up people, you're grown f@#$cing adults. Doctors dont
put you on drugs, you put you on drugs.

Apparently, it's only until some hedge fund manager increases the price of a
drug by a dramatic 5500%, that people start caring.

Once they make the billions, the pharmaceutical cartel uses
that money to influence medical journals, prescribing habits, and
advertising. Before you know, fat, dumb americans are asking their doctor,
"Is this drug right for me?"

FACT: Drug companies routinely use their mega funds to influence doctors,
the AMA (American Medical Association), medical journals, and insurance
companies into believing drugs are safe and effective, when they're not.

FACT: Drug companies are not interested in helping people get healthy, so
much as they are interested in keeping people "barely alive" enough to buy
the drugs.

FACT: Drug companies can't make billions of dollars off HEALTHY
people…only sick people. So they invent diseases out of thin air.

…They hire ghostwriters to create FAKE studies with FAKE statistics that
misrepresent the facts about drugs.

…They pay doctors hefty fees to sign their names on these fake
reports…then distribute them to medical journals…so that the entire
fucking medical community is swindled into believing drugs are good.

…Doctors then push those drugs onto their patients. Or TV commercials
hypnotize patients into asking their doctor about it first.

THIS is what people should be in outrage about.

The "sick care" system itself is the problem. Not the prices.

As one consumer advocacy organization puts it, "Corporate interests are
buying up cheap, old patents and then milking patent monopolies to gouge
patients. The lack of price regulation in the US and some other countries
means this technically isn't illegal. But it's straight up exploitation of
the vulnerable."

Who says anybody has to be vulnerable in the first place?!?

The patient — i.e., the "vulnerable" end user — is always the one who
pays the price for using Big Pharma's drugs. The price comes in the form of
side effects, overall deteriorated health, and often a loss of life.

Stop being vulnerable to scumbags.

Most medications are worthless. Not only are they worth $0, they actually
create NEGATIVE value in the form of side effects, worsened health, and
sometimes even death.

That's the real scandal.

Dare to live young,

Shane Ellison, MS
Author, Chemist