Subject: ~Daily Protection From Chemo...and Cancer!

In addition to Pokemon news and what your favorite celebrity is wearing,
there's another important fact you should know: The government
and Big Pharma are killing you with a faster rate
than cancer actually is.

Let me clarify...then I'll show you the natural solution.

The war on cancer began in 1971. In the wake of massive cancer fears,
President Richard Nixon appropriated $100 million to find a cure. Since
then, cancer deaths have shot up. And research has shown that
the majority of those deaths were from chemo, no cancer.

Sadly, the deaths were always covered-up and blamed on cancer.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma has been getting paid bankroll ever since.

In otherwords, “The war on cancer” has become nothing more than a
profitable catchphrase for Big Pharma (and govt) to win big.

Chemotherapy is a general term describing any treatment that involves the
use of a “chemical” agent (drug) to stop cancer cells from prolif-
erating. Believe it or not, the first agent used in chemotherapy was the
biochemical warfare agent known as mustard gas.

Within about twenty-four hours of being exposed, mustard gas begins to
elicit a whirlwind of deadly effects. Victims experience intense itching.
Skin irritations turn into the unsightly and humiliating outcome of enor-
mous blisters. The odiferous chemical attacks the cellular DNA of all
cells, healthy or cancerous, and damages their ability to replicate.

The U.S. Department of Defense thought mustard gas would be great at
eradicating cancer cells and started administering it to unsuspecting
cancer patients in the 1940s. These clinicians conveniently overlooked the
fact that the gas was also killing healthy cells.

Mustard gas is no longer used, but its concept still exists today. The
toxic mix of chemotherapy drugs usually fall into one of three classes—
anthracyclines, taxanes, or platinum-based drugs. In one way or another,
these drugs attempt to target and quickly destroy dividing cancer cells.
But the drugs’ failure to make a dent in the war on cancer
elucidates their flaws, as do their biological actions.

The anthracyclines are technically antibiotics, but they are so toxic that
they were never approved for that use. They work by overloading the cells
with oxygen-free radicals, thereby damaging DNA and future replication.
But they also attack healthy cells, especially those within the heart.
Doctors contributing to the New England Journal of Medicine showed that up
to 57 percent of children receiving anthracyclines suffered from
cardiotoxicity, sometimes resulting in heart failure later in life.

Taxanes destroy the structural component of cells that are responsible for
dividing. These components are known technically as microtubules. Since all
cells—cancer or otherwise—have these, taxane destruction is
unselective. Just as cancer cells are destroyed by the drugs, so are
healthy ones.

Platinum-based drugs like cisplatin chop DNA into tiny pieces, preventing
cellular information from being passed to the next genera- tion of cells.
Like mustard gas, the drugs attack healthy cells as well as cancerous ones,
causing humiliating and deadly side effects.

For instance,cisplatin acts as a cog in the wheel of our DNA repair system.
That causes our genetic information to be split, leading to cell death. This
would be great if it occurred only among cancerous cells. But it doesn’t. The
chemical cog goes after anything that contains DNA, and that means healthy
cells get the monkey wrench, too.

But even more ghastly than being nonselective, today’s chemotherapy drugs
can elicit cancer among healthy cells not yet affected by a patient’s
cancer. Leukemia and other forms of cancer show up years or even decades
after chemo treatments.

The best way to prevent cancer is to be proactive against it! That
means working daily to avoid the things that cause it, as well as
feed your body the things that fight it, naturally. Take 12 minutes
to learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist